Shoe Polishing Instructions
- 1). Clean the shoes with a damp cotton cloth. A quick swipe will remove residual dust or dirt. You must begin the polishing with a clean surface and even new shoes can have dust on them.,
- 2). Add a smudge of the shoe polish to a clean cotton cloth. Work in small circular motions starting from the center of the toe box and move backwards along the sides of the shoe. Rub lightly to keep the coating thin.
- 3). Brush the shoe from front to back with a horsehair polish brush to remove any excess polish. The goal of polishing shoes is to have a light, even shine across the entire shoe.
- 4). Place the shoes in a warm, clean space to dry for 15 minutes. This allows the polish to set. You may leave the shoes near a heater, or if the weather is nice outside in the shade to dry.
- 5). Dip a cotton ball in warm water and ring it out so the cotton is just barely damp. Add a dab of shoe polish to the cotton ball and begin to work the shoe, again, in small circular motions from the toe box to the heel.
- 6). Place the shoes to dry for another 15 minutes. Wipe the shoes with a clean, dry cotton cloth after they have finished drying before putting them on to wear.