How to Become a TCLEOSE Certified Peace Officer
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Two years of military service, with an honorable discharge, may be substituted for a high school diploma to enter the TCLEOSE program.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Earn a high school diploma or GED before beginning peace officer training in Texas. In lieu of a diploma, you may substitute an honorable discharge from the U.S. armed forces after serving at least 24 months of active duty. You must also be at least 21 years old to qualify for TCLEOSE certification. - 2). Pass a general and criminal background check. Provide proof of U.S. citizenship and proof that you are not prohibited from operating a motor vehicle or possessing firearms. You must also provide proof that you have never been convicted of any family violence offense, any offense above a Class B misdemeanor; and not have had a Class B misdemeanor within the past 10 years.
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Medical and psychological examinations must be passed before entering a TCLEOSE program.Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Pass medical and psychological examinations that demonstrate you are free from any defect that could adversely affect your job performance. Pass all drug testing, and be declared, in writing by a licensed psychology professional, to be in satisfactory psychological and emotional health. - 4). Complete a basic peace officer training program through a licensed TCLEOSE academy, a contract trainer or an academic alternative program. A list of approved training programs is available from TCLEOSE.
- 5). Register to take the state licensing examination after completing basic training by calling the exam site center nearest you. A list of exam sites are available on the TCLEOSE website. After passing the licensing exam and completing all requirements, you are eligible for hire by a state agency. Your agency must file an application for the appropriate license with the commission. Your application must be approved with a license issued before your are appointed or commissioned.
- 6). Each department will put a new hire through a field training officer program, where they will receive on-the-job training from a certified or highly experienced officer. This program is approximately 12 weeks long.
- 7). Once you have met all requirements, as determined by your online (TCLEDDS) record, a basic peace officer proficiency (BPOC) certificate will be automatically generated and mailed to your appointing agency. A BPOC certificate requires an active license or appointment, one year of service and completion of a personnel orientation by your department and peace officer field training.