Cash From Your Camera - 5 Steps to Write Your Way to Successful Photo Sales
If you are able to write quality articles on a variety of subjects and then shoot quality images you are far more likely to be able to find a market for your images.
The magazine market especially are looking for good articles that have the associated images as part of the deal.
If you can do this then you can storm to the front of the queue.
One of the problems that magazine editors face today is shrinking budgets.
Getting together a great article on a relevant subject and then sending out a staff photographer to shoot it or pay a freelancer, is always a budgetary headache.
If you can solve that problem then you will stand a great chance of finding someone who will buy your images together with a quality article.
So how do you write your way to success? 1.
Find a niche Here you'll have to do a bit of a self evaluation.
Find out what you enjoy doing and what your passions are, something that really interests you.
Something that you have already been shooting for fun.
Write articles around what you have already shot.
If you like boating or dogs then you'll probably know which magazines focus on these topics.
If you don't then research your market.
Find out what magazines are available in your specific area of interest and what types of articles they focus on.
Do they have photos in the articles? You want to ascertain whether a good article contains how many images.
Then once you know this you will be able get ideas for articles.
Of course it's better if you are a regular reader of the magazine and know what articles have appeared and when.
Contact the magazine editor This is often the most difficult as we are not partial to rejection.
What you need to do is come up with a few story ideas and then pitch them to the editor.
Give a brief outline or summary of the story so that it gives the editor an idea of the article structure.
If you already have images, work the story around them and then shoot any additional to fill in the gaps.
With these ideas you may just give the editor some ideas that he hadn't thought of.
Don't go to the editor and ask what they need.
Remember that you are an unknown and a risk at this stage as they don't know what you can deliver.
Work on your ideas Create something that is dramatic and outstanding that will catch the editor's ear first.
If he can picture a finished article once you have submitted it then he will be far more open to looking at the photos that accompany it.
The article needs to be professional and polished although the editor may refine it and cut out bits that aren't relevant or make the story too long.
Don't rely on the magazine's editorial staff to make corrections to spelling and grammar.
This may be the cause for the article getting rejected.
Once your article is formulated, corrected and polished then it's ready to go to the next level.
Work on your images Look through your portfolio of appropriate images.
Select only the ones that are outstanding, that is, your best.
If the image doesn't cut it or you are not sure, leave it out.
You are showcasing your images, in some cases, to a national magazine who have very high standards.
If you aren't sure then reshoot an image.
Rather have too few that are of high quality than including one or two extras that lower the standard of the portfolio.
If the editor likes your story they may ask you to provide additional or specific photos of a subject.
Evaluate the final product Look at the article you have just created and visualise it in a magazine.
Would it catch your attention.
Would you read it? It's imperative that you evaluate the article carefully.
Get a friend or associate to read through it with the images in place and give their opinion.
Don't use family as they might give an emotionally biased opinion.
You only have one chance to give a great first impression.
This might be the break you have been waiting for so give it all you have.
If you really give you heart and soul to writing great articles, they will give you a foot in the door for your photos.
But, make sure that your photos are as good as your articles and would deserve to be published in a quality magazine.
The magazine market especially are looking for good articles that have the associated images as part of the deal.
If you can do this then you can storm to the front of the queue.
One of the problems that magazine editors face today is shrinking budgets.
Getting together a great article on a relevant subject and then sending out a staff photographer to shoot it or pay a freelancer, is always a budgetary headache.
If you can solve that problem then you will stand a great chance of finding someone who will buy your images together with a quality article.
So how do you write your way to success? 1.
Find a niche Here you'll have to do a bit of a self evaluation.
Find out what you enjoy doing and what your passions are, something that really interests you.
Something that you have already been shooting for fun.
Write articles around what you have already shot.
If you like boating or dogs then you'll probably know which magazines focus on these topics.
If you don't then research your market.
Find out what magazines are available in your specific area of interest and what types of articles they focus on.
Do they have photos in the articles? You want to ascertain whether a good article contains how many images.
Then once you know this you will be able get ideas for articles.
Of course it's better if you are a regular reader of the magazine and know what articles have appeared and when.
Contact the magazine editor This is often the most difficult as we are not partial to rejection.
What you need to do is come up with a few story ideas and then pitch them to the editor.
Give a brief outline or summary of the story so that it gives the editor an idea of the article structure.
If you already have images, work the story around them and then shoot any additional to fill in the gaps.
With these ideas you may just give the editor some ideas that he hadn't thought of.
Don't go to the editor and ask what they need.
Remember that you are an unknown and a risk at this stage as they don't know what you can deliver.
Work on your ideas Create something that is dramatic and outstanding that will catch the editor's ear first.
If he can picture a finished article once you have submitted it then he will be far more open to looking at the photos that accompany it.
The article needs to be professional and polished although the editor may refine it and cut out bits that aren't relevant or make the story too long.
Don't rely on the magazine's editorial staff to make corrections to spelling and grammar.
This may be the cause for the article getting rejected.
Once your article is formulated, corrected and polished then it's ready to go to the next level.
Work on your images Look through your portfolio of appropriate images.
Select only the ones that are outstanding, that is, your best.
If the image doesn't cut it or you are not sure, leave it out.
You are showcasing your images, in some cases, to a national magazine who have very high standards.
If you aren't sure then reshoot an image.
Rather have too few that are of high quality than including one or two extras that lower the standard of the portfolio.
If the editor likes your story they may ask you to provide additional or specific photos of a subject.
Evaluate the final product Look at the article you have just created and visualise it in a magazine.
Would it catch your attention.
Would you read it? It's imperative that you evaluate the article carefully.
Get a friend or associate to read through it with the images in place and give their opinion.
Don't use family as they might give an emotionally biased opinion.
You only have one chance to give a great first impression.
This might be the break you have been waiting for so give it all you have.
If you really give you heart and soul to writing great articles, they will give you a foot in the door for your photos.
But, make sure that your photos are as good as your articles and would deserve to be published in a quality magazine.