Ways to Recycle Aluminum
- Recycle image by jeremyhowell from Fotolia.com
It's hard to deny that ecological awareness and active participation in "earth-friendly" initiatives is on the rise. Everywhere you look, in magazines, on television, on the Internet and in our own communities, there are people working together to "go green." One of the fundamental principles of "going green" is the reduction of waste, and recycling is one of the easiest ways for the average person to contribute. One of the most valuable materials for recycling is aluminum, which can be recycled many times and can be completely reused. To recycle aluminum, check your area for any of the following types of programs. - Many communities offer curbside recycling services. Recyclables are put out with the trash in separate containers, which are then picked up and taken to a center for recycling. However, not all communities offer curbside services.
- An alternative to curbside recycling is to find a nearby recycling center and taking your recyclables there. Some work exclusively with metal and glass, while others include all forms of recyclables. Some recycling centers will not only recycle your aluminum, they'll pay you for it.
- Say your aluminum isn't in the form of soda cans. Perhaps it's an old automotive part that's broken down and been replaced. A scrap metal center can take that part and recycle it into something useful, and usually it will pay you for the aluminum.
- Many community recreational areas and parks offer recycling drop-off bins. You can bring your recyclable aluminum to these bins and drop it off to be processed. These bins are usually clearly marked as being for recycling.
- Many workplaces offer a recycle bin for employees to make use of during the course of their day.
- Many charitable organizations, such as Habitat for Humanity, the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts, collect aluminum cans. These cans are then taken to recycling centers, and the money earned put toward different programs within the charities. By donating your aluminum to these organizations, you can both actively participate in recycling and make a charitable contribution.
- There's no law that says you can't make use of the aluminum yourself. Many creative crafts projects can be made from aluminum products, particularly cans. From something simple like a pen holder or a tea light holder to complex projects like a soda can tab belt or an RFID scan-proof soda can wallet.
Curbside Services
Recycling Centers
Scrap Metal Centers
Recreational Area Recycling
Recycling in the Workplace
Charitable Donations
Creative Reusage