Lithuania Business Opportunities for Migrants Aplenty
After independence from communist iron curtain rule, Lithuania has taken long strides on the economic front. Several virgin sectors provide rich Opportunities For Business In Lithuania For Migrants to explore and harness.
The geographical location and economic profiling of this Baltic state holds favorable potential and vast opportunities. Lithuania is a member state of European Union, which offers great advantages and guarantees a prosperous business future. It has direct and a hurdle free access to prosperous consumer based EU and Scandinavian markets. Besides this you have sumptuous chances of striking it rich in the eastern markets in Baltic region and Eastern Europe.
Lithuania is strongest of 3 Baltic region economies and is characterized by a low inflation rate, a healthy GDP and annual growth. It enjoys presence of an excellent infrastructure in transportation and education.
There are several opportunities and you can easily open a company within just 15 days or so. Administrative and registration charges for establishment of company are economically and have lower capital stipulations. On the manpower front, Lithuania boasts of a diverse, multilingual and an educated labor pool without any regional bias. The labor wages and perks rank among lowest in Europe and other comparable locations.
Government of this former soviet republic offers substantial support to aspirants venturing to establish a business in country. There are several financial and fiscal provisions to support your venture. There are several stimuli in form of
•Financial packages to cover wages construction costs, personnel training costs and purchase of equipment etc.
•Tax reliefs and reduction in taxable profits for FDIs into technological Innovations and R&D that are intended to bring benefit to the economy.
•Land and real estate.
•Corporate tax
•Tax exemptions on dividends
•There is a lucrative Tax "holidays" package in 2 free economic zones.
Besides tax benefits migrant investors also avail benefits of depreciation or fast-track formulae in R&D
There are several Investment ready venues in
•free zones with tax reliefs
•4 industrial parks
•5 valleys planned for industrial and trade development.
Several non-financial incentives offered include agreements with Ministry of economy, support to high value projects, information packages in form of guidance modules for opening formalities and post investment support.
The Business Opportunities in Lithuania for Immigrants are numerous and expanding in various sectors, with the prominent being
•Transport & logistics,
•ICT and business process outsourcing (BPO)
•Biotech Plastics & Metal processing
•Machinery & electric equipment
•Furniture & wood
•Textile & apparel
•Real estate
The geographical location and economic profiling of this Baltic state holds favorable potential and vast opportunities. Lithuania is a member state of European Union, which offers great advantages and guarantees a prosperous business future. It has direct and a hurdle free access to prosperous consumer based EU and Scandinavian markets. Besides this you have sumptuous chances of striking it rich in the eastern markets in Baltic region and Eastern Europe.
Lithuania is strongest of 3 Baltic region economies and is characterized by a low inflation rate, a healthy GDP and annual growth. It enjoys presence of an excellent infrastructure in transportation and education.
There are several opportunities and you can easily open a company within just 15 days or so. Administrative and registration charges for establishment of company are economically and have lower capital stipulations. On the manpower front, Lithuania boasts of a diverse, multilingual and an educated labor pool without any regional bias. The labor wages and perks rank among lowest in Europe and other comparable locations.
Government of this former soviet republic offers substantial support to aspirants venturing to establish a business in country. There are several financial and fiscal provisions to support your venture. There are several stimuli in form of
•Financial packages to cover wages construction costs, personnel training costs and purchase of equipment etc.
•Tax reliefs and reduction in taxable profits for FDIs into technological Innovations and R&D that are intended to bring benefit to the economy.
•Land and real estate.
•Corporate tax
•Tax exemptions on dividends
•There is a lucrative Tax "holidays" package in 2 free economic zones.
Besides tax benefits migrant investors also avail benefits of depreciation or fast-track formulae in R&D
There are several Investment ready venues in
•free zones with tax reliefs
•4 industrial parks
•5 valleys planned for industrial and trade development.
Several non-financial incentives offered include agreements with Ministry of economy, support to high value projects, information packages in form of guidance modules for opening formalities and post investment support.
The Business Opportunities in Lithuania for Immigrants are numerous and expanding in various sectors, with the prominent being
•Transport & logistics,
•ICT and business process outsourcing (BPO)
•Biotech Plastics & Metal processing
•Machinery & electric equipment
•Furniture & wood
•Textile & apparel
•Real estate