How to Relieve Winter Itch
- 1). Wash sensibly. In winter, it's tempting to warm up by taking a steaming hot bath or shower. But as an article from "Newsweek" makes clear, frequent hot baths or showers can strip skin of the proteins and fats that form a protective barrier from the elements. Although hand-washing is essential to keeping clear of colds and flu, Kim Painter explains in an article for "USA Today" that anti-bacterial soaps are often unnecessary; moisturizing soap works just as well.
- 2). Moisturize inside and out. Keep lotion near your kitchen and bathroom sinks as a reminder to moisturize after showers, baths or hand-washings. Orenstein asserts that caffeinated drinks can be dehydrating and should be kept to a minimum. Water remains the best moisturizing drink, and herbal teas with no caffeine provide an alternative to coffee when you want a warm beverage.
- 3). Use a humidifier. Replace any moisture your heating system has stripped from your home with an inexpensive room humidifier. Even a pot of boiling water on the stove can help put moisture into the air.
- 4). Dress appropriately. Protect you skin from harsh wind's drying effects by covering as much of your skin as possible with hats, gloves and scarves. Wear soft cotton clothing such as long-sleeved T-shirts beneath wool garments. Wool will aggravate dry skin, intensifying the itchiness.
- 5). Wear sunscreen. Skin still needs to be protected from sun damage during winter. The smell of sunscreen can also offer a nice reminder of the moisture-heavy air to come in warmer months.