How to Groom Pugs
- 1). Bathe your pug when he or she is dirty. Depending on the pug and activity level, this could be bi-weekly or monthly. In warmer weather, your pug will most likely need more baths than in cooler weather. Bathing too frequently will dry the skin and cause itching. Be careful not get water in the ears.
- 2). Shampoo and condition your pug's coat during each bath. Even though pugs don't have long hair that can tangle, the conditioner will soften your pug's coat.
- 3). Dry your pug thoroughly, using your hand or towel to remove shedding hair. Pugs tend to shed dramatically after bathing, so this is a great time to remove extra hair and start the grooming routine.
- 4). Use a Furminator or similar deshedding brush or tool to finish removing excess hair when your pug is dry. Depending on the amount your pug sheds, you may need to do this every other day. Pugs shed year round, so you will need to use a deshedding tool in cooler weather as well.
- 5). Clean between your pug's folds with a moist soft cloth, cotton ball or cotton swab, depending on the size of the wrinkles. Usually, a cotton swab soaked with warm water works best to groom this area. Be sure to dry the area after cleaning to avoid infections or fungus.
- 6). Trim your pug's nails. If you hear tapping on hardwood floors or tiles, the nails are too long. Since most pugs despise having their nails clipped, you may want to have a vet handle the trimming or catch them while they sleep. Depending on your pug's activity level, nails may need to be trimmed every two weeks.
- 7). Check the ears and gently remove any wax build-up with a cotton swab. Do not enter the ear canal with the swab. If you find excessive wax or notice a foul odor, speak to a vet about prescribing an ear wash or drops.
- 8). Brush your pug's teeth using a pet toothbrush and a dog-safe paste, which can be found at most pet stores. Lift the pug's flaps to get the back teeth.
- 9). Express your pug's anal glands when needed. Lift the tail, cover the glands with warm moist cloth and press lightly. Pugs tend to have gland issues, so if you are squeamish, your vet can handle this procedure as necessary.