The Molested Boy
I am a retired health care professional.
Over the years I have witnessed numerous cases of molested children.
The male, in particular, has learned to hide emotion sometimes to the point of self-destruction.
The following is a note I recently wrote to a dear friend of mine: Dear Michael, Why is your confidence so low? I know you were molested as a child.
Let me share my experiences with you.
Children who have been molested, particularly little boys who have experienced sodomy at an early age have experienced what I call, a vandalismof the soul.
Many years in Nursing have taught me little boys hide emotion the best.
The saying, "big boys don't cry" stinks.
These kids are precious little ones born of God's own heart.
I believe Satan would like to crush the spirit in children and create a false sense of who God is.
This is a war against the family of God and the soul.
Example: A particular family man is an important figure in the community.
Another person has a vendetta against him.
That person steals his son one day and rapes him...
having no conscience regarding how this act might affect a little one for the remainder of his/her life and any future children's lives.
During the rape, the little boy realizes a sensation of pleasure.
He climaxes; is confused completely.
His soul is attacked.
Although somewhat pleasurable, the violent experience could placate the image he is Gay, or just a weird person who never fits anywhere on this Earth.
Victims of sodomy/rape often feel like a "dirty tramp" or "piece of garbage" not deserving to be happy ever no matter how much he/she achieves in this lifetime that points to success.
They are a citizen of Earth, but a misfit in Spirit.
They blame God.
Two schools of thought are set before him; possibly three: 1.
He can bury himself in his work and exact on his family about honesty...
proving that self-righteousness is the route to take and he needs no God to only let him down anyway.
He can take this cold heartless experience and turn it around for himself, his sweetheart, his kids, grandkids, great grandkids, and the Kingdom of God.
He destroys every relationship he sets out to make with others, feeling unworthy of them, possibly becoming physically or mentally abusive.
There is not a question in my mind...
children who have experienced sodomy/rape at an early age are pressure cookers with a faulty valve waiting to explode.
Serious mental illnesses, quirks, unresolved hatred, and in many cases, even serious life-threatening physical illnesses may crop up Later in life if the rape is not addressed and he/she has not effectively dealt with it.
This entire scenario is worse than sad.
This entire scenario is criminal.
I am not calling a victimized little boy a criminal; however, the behavior he later exhibits on down the road is truly an injustice to him and those who desperately love him.
I am not that little boy, nor am I a psychiatrist, but I chose the latter of the first two choices delineated above, because I realized WHO GOD IS.
My deep core beliefs have moved me to believe that nothing simply happens.
Like a friend once said, "It is like God says, 'I love all my children and sometimes kids make wrong choices.
' " After the trauma of rape, God picks up the sad broken pieces.
He offers us a choice to have a life that is so much better than we would have had.
We now can give to others.
God doesn't plan that we are molested as kids...
it's just like the previous statement in quotes...
people make bad/wrong choices.
The victim along with other family members pays the price in blood.
My dear friend, Jesus paid that price...
we don't have to re-invent the wheel...
just accept it.
Take it.
Treasure the gift.
Take the bad circumstance and turn it into a gift.
Help others with your experience, so a victim can be validated and know he/she is not the only one who has suffered so wrongfully.
Help them heal.
Help them learn the miracle of comfort in prayer.
Prayer opens the door nothing or no-one else can.
When a person begins to pray, the heart opens.
God hears every prayer that is within His Will.
Sometimes the answer or direction He plots out for us isn't the way we picture it will be.
We may not be able to conceptualize the magnitude of possibilities He has in store for us.
Good friends in Him help.
Over the years I have witnessed numerous cases of molested children.
The male, in particular, has learned to hide emotion sometimes to the point of self-destruction.
The following is a note I recently wrote to a dear friend of mine: Dear Michael, Why is your confidence so low? I know you were molested as a child.
Let me share my experiences with you.
Children who have been molested, particularly little boys who have experienced sodomy at an early age have experienced what I call, a vandalismof the soul.
Many years in Nursing have taught me little boys hide emotion the best.
The saying, "big boys don't cry" stinks.
These kids are precious little ones born of God's own heart.
I believe Satan would like to crush the spirit in children and create a false sense of who God is.
This is a war against the family of God and the soul.
Example: A particular family man is an important figure in the community.
Another person has a vendetta against him.
That person steals his son one day and rapes him...
having no conscience regarding how this act might affect a little one for the remainder of his/her life and any future children's lives.
During the rape, the little boy realizes a sensation of pleasure.
He climaxes; is confused completely.
His soul is attacked.
Although somewhat pleasurable, the violent experience could placate the image he is Gay, or just a weird person who never fits anywhere on this Earth.
Victims of sodomy/rape often feel like a "dirty tramp" or "piece of garbage" not deserving to be happy ever no matter how much he/she achieves in this lifetime that points to success.
They are a citizen of Earth, but a misfit in Spirit.
They blame God.
Two schools of thought are set before him; possibly three: 1.
He can bury himself in his work and exact on his family about honesty...
proving that self-righteousness is the route to take and he needs no God to only let him down anyway.
He can take this cold heartless experience and turn it around for himself, his sweetheart, his kids, grandkids, great grandkids, and the Kingdom of God.
He destroys every relationship he sets out to make with others, feeling unworthy of them, possibly becoming physically or mentally abusive.
There is not a question in my mind...
children who have experienced sodomy/rape at an early age are pressure cookers with a faulty valve waiting to explode.
Serious mental illnesses, quirks, unresolved hatred, and in many cases, even serious life-threatening physical illnesses may crop up Later in life if the rape is not addressed and he/she has not effectively dealt with it.
This entire scenario is worse than sad.
This entire scenario is criminal.
I am not calling a victimized little boy a criminal; however, the behavior he later exhibits on down the road is truly an injustice to him and those who desperately love him.
I am not that little boy, nor am I a psychiatrist, but I chose the latter of the first two choices delineated above, because I realized WHO GOD IS.
My deep core beliefs have moved me to believe that nothing simply happens.
Like a friend once said, "It is like God says, 'I love all my children and sometimes kids make wrong choices.
' " After the trauma of rape, God picks up the sad broken pieces.
He offers us a choice to have a life that is so much better than we would have had.
We now can give to others.
God doesn't plan that we are molested as kids...
it's just like the previous statement in quotes...
people make bad/wrong choices.
The victim along with other family members pays the price in blood.
My dear friend, Jesus paid that price...
we don't have to re-invent the wheel...
just accept it.
Take it.
Treasure the gift.
Take the bad circumstance and turn it into a gift.
Help others with your experience, so a victim can be validated and know he/she is not the only one who has suffered so wrongfully.
Help them heal.
Help them learn the miracle of comfort in prayer.
Prayer opens the door nothing or no-one else can.
When a person begins to pray, the heart opens.
God hears every prayer that is within His Will.
Sometimes the answer or direction He plots out for us isn't the way we picture it will be.
We may not be able to conceptualize the magnitude of possibilities He has in store for us.
Good friends in Him help.