What Is the Meaning of the Word Download?
- Downloads may be document files, software, music, movies or any other item transmittable in electronic format. For example, when you want to buy new software for your computer, you might go to the store, purchase a disc, load it onto your computer using the disc drive, and then follow the instructions on your screen to install it. If the software manufacturer allows you to purchase a download online, you can skip the discs entirely and download a file that will install itself on your computer. This lets you go straight from the purchase to installation stage without leaving the computer. Email attachments are also downloads, whether they are photos, documents or other files, that are not embedded within the message itself.
- The download process transfers information to your computer, but it leaves the original information intact wherever it is stored. For example, if you download a song from an online source such as iTunes, your computer receives all of the data it needs to store and play a copy of the song. However, iTunes still holds all of that data as well, so other users can purchase and download the same song.
- Websites that you visit on the Internet do not download onto your computer, except for a few minor elements. This data does not take up storage space on your computer, except for a small temporary file that is usually automatically deleted. Unlike Web pages, downloads are stored on your computer's hard drive. You can access the downloaded file later, even without an Internet connection, because it is stored on your computer. Some types of downloaded files require specific software to use them, such as an MP3 player to listen to music or Microsoft Word to view downloaded Word files.
- Be wary of downloading items if you are not familiar with the source. Disreputable programmers can add computer viruses and spyware that will download and install themselves along with the file you choose to download, causing privacy violations or computer issues as the viruses attack your information. Use antivirus and antispyware software from a reputable company to protect your computer from malicious software every time you download an item, whether it is software, a file, a video or even an email attachment.
Download vs. Online