Dangers of Septic Tank Odor
Septic tank odor can be a sign of things having gone wrong with your septic tank.
They can mean anything from a simple problem like vents that need repairs to a major issue like seepage around the septic tank.
That could mean overflow for a failing system or the need to pump the septic tank.
No matter what the cause septic tank odor is not a welcome sign.
When you have a septic tank system you should also have roof vents.
These vents allow the pressure to equalize; this stops the toilets and sinks in the house form making strange noises as the waters flow out to the septic tank.
If the vents get clogged there can be a back up problem that will definitely cause septic tank odor.
This is easily remedied by cleaning out the vents.
Sometimes the vents are not clogged, but there are odors still coming out.
This tends to happen more often in the evenings and can be helped by putting a filter on the vent.
These are easily available at your local hardware store or though companies that sell septic tanks.
They are usually carbon based and will clear the odor problem.
But what of septic tank odor that is a sign of a more serious problem? This must be acted on immediately.
The first thing to consider is when was the last time you had the septic system pumped.
If you can't recall then it's been way too long and your system may be overflowing into the septic bed and that is what you smell.
Call the service company to come and empty the septic tank.
At the same time they'll do an inspection for you to determine if there is any other problem.
A crack in the tank could be the culprit and require a new septic tank to be installed.
They'll check everything and let you know what they find.
Whatever needs to be done to correct septic tank odor should be acted on quickly.
Overflow or seepage waste not only smells but also is unhealthy for you, your family, your pets and the plants around your septic system.
If you have a septic, you rely totally on it to treat your household sewage and that means you must be certain it always works at its peak.
Next time, don't let it go too long before you have it pumped again.
They can mean anything from a simple problem like vents that need repairs to a major issue like seepage around the septic tank.
That could mean overflow for a failing system or the need to pump the septic tank.
No matter what the cause septic tank odor is not a welcome sign.
When you have a septic tank system you should also have roof vents.
These vents allow the pressure to equalize; this stops the toilets and sinks in the house form making strange noises as the waters flow out to the septic tank.
If the vents get clogged there can be a back up problem that will definitely cause septic tank odor.
This is easily remedied by cleaning out the vents.
Sometimes the vents are not clogged, but there are odors still coming out.
This tends to happen more often in the evenings and can be helped by putting a filter on the vent.
These are easily available at your local hardware store or though companies that sell septic tanks.
They are usually carbon based and will clear the odor problem.
But what of septic tank odor that is a sign of a more serious problem? This must be acted on immediately.
The first thing to consider is when was the last time you had the septic system pumped.
If you can't recall then it's been way too long and your system may be overflowing into the septic bed and that is what you smell.
Call the service company to come and empty the septic tank.
At the same time they'll do an inspection for you to determine if there is any other problem.
A crack in the tank could be the culprit and require a new septic tank to be installed.
They'll check everything and let you know what they find.
Whatever needs to be done to correct septic tank odor should be acted on quickly.
Overflow or seepage waste not only smells but also is unhealthy for you, your family, your pets and the plants around your septic system.
If you have a septic, you rely totally on it to treat your household sewage and that means you must be certain it always works at its peak.
Next time, don't let it go too long before you have it pumped again.