How to Save Money on Health Care
- 1). Get in shape. If you are overweight, losing as little as ten percent of your bodyweight can greatly reduce your risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, stroke and arthritis.
- 2). Quit smoking. If you smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products, you are at a much higher risk of getting lung cancer, emphysema and other lung diseases. And not only will you save on health care in the long run if you quit, you'll save a ton by not buying that pack a day.
- 3). If your employer offers a flexible spending account, use it. All you need to do is estimate how much you'll spend over the coming year in co-pays, prescriptions and even over-the-counter drugs. The amount you determine will be divided and deducted (before taxes) from your paycheck. Then, whenever you spend money on a qualifying health care cost you will be reimbursed.
- 4). Go generic. Many pharmacies now sell generic versions of prescriptions for as little as $4 a month. Or check out a mail order pharmacy. Many offer a three-month supply of your prescriptions at a deep discount.
- 5). Shop around. If you are paying a lot for health insurance, do a little research. Perhaps it would be more affordable to your spouse to cover the kids through his employer while you go with the plan your job offers. And don't be afraid to check out plans through an independent agent. You never know until you try!