Home Based Businesses: Three Feet Away
When I first got on the internet, I thought the idea of working from home sounded pretty good.
Who wouldn't want to get out of the rat race, be home with their kids, take vacations whenever they want and sleep in when they felt like it?So I signed up with some newsletters from home based businesses.
What happened next was an avalanche of opportunities that I was completely buried under, wondering how I was going to find my way out for air.
Every one of them offered the best thing since sliced bread and a work at home opportunity that I supposedly couldn't live without.
Most of the claims, at the time, sounded almostridiculous and an insult to the common person's intelligence, claiming one could make thousands of dollars with very minimal time put in.
If that was the case, wouldn't we all be rich and working from home? However, the longer I was on the internet researching various programs, I came to realize that many of the claims ofriches were absolutely true.
If you have been on the internet, I'm sure you've heard of people like Cory Rudl (who unfortunately is no longer with us), who started a multimillion dollar business with the start up cost of $25.
00, or Dan Kennedy, Joe Vitale, Yanik Silver, Nick Marks.
Robert Allen, Mark Joyner, Jim Edwards and too many other names to list.
These people are experienced marketers who definitely know their stuff.
I'm sure to most of these guys, a thousand dollars a day would be an off day.
Their home businesses have grown giving them a lot of free time, which more than likely they spend expanding their businesses or doing the things they enjoy.
Whatever business you decide to go into, whether you're working from home or not, it's not very likely you will start out making tons of money right out of the gate.
There is a learning curve involved and that takes time.
I remember when I had a cleaning business and had hit a slow period.
I was feeling kind of down and was distributing flyers.
I stopped at model home community and put a flyer on the door knob of what looked like an empty home.
As I was placing the flyer on the door, a man opened the door, looked at the flyer and said, "How would you like to do the new construction clean up on144 rooms at the Radisson Inn?" There will always be ups and downs in business, especially if you are deciding to work for yourself.
Many times it may seem like you're getting nowhere.
More than likely, in the beginning as you are starting your business, you will put in much more time than you would like to.
That is the price you pay of being a business owner.
If you don't put in the time to get it right, who else is going to do it for you?It's called "paying your dues".
I'm sure we've all heard of the gold miner who found a vein of gold and went home to get the equipment to dig it up, spending everything he had.
When he came back he couldn't find the vein again and finally gave up in total despair.
He was only three feet from the gold!Someone else had the knowledge to find it and made a fortune.
When times seem the toughest, don't give up on your dreams! You might be just three feet away!
Who wouldn't want to get out of the rat race, be home with their kids, take vacations whenever they want and sleep in when they felt like it?So I signed up with some newsletters from home based businesses.
What happened next was an avalanche of opportunities that I was completely buried under, wondering how I was going to find my way out for air.
Every one of them offered the best thing since sliced bread and a work at home opportunity that I supposedly couldn't live without.
Most of the claims, at the time, sounded almostridiculous and an insult to the common person's intelligence, claiming one could make thousands of dollars with very minimal time put in.
If that was the case, wouldn't we all be rich and working from home? However, the longer I was on the internet researching various programs, I came to realize that many of the claims ofriches were absolutely true.
If you have been on the internet, I'm sure you've heard of people like Cory Rudl (who unfortunately is no longer with us), who started a multimillion dollar business with the start up cost of $25.
00, or Dan Kennedy, Joe Vitale, Yanik Silver, Nick Marks.
Robert Allen, Mark Joyner, Jim Edwards and too many other names to list.
These people are experienced marketers who definitely know their stuff.
I'm sure to most of these guys, a thousand dollars a day would be an off day.
Their home businesses have grown giving them a lot of free time, which more than likely they spend expanding their businesses or doing the things they enjoy.
Whatever business you decide to go into, whether you're working from home or not, it's not very likely you will start out making tons of money right out of the gate.
There is a learning curve involved and that takes time.
I remember when I had a cleaning business and had hit a slow period.
I was feeling kind of down and was distributing flyers.
I stopped at model home community and put a flyer on the door knob of what looked like an empty home.
As I was placing the flyer on the door, a man opened the door, looked at the flyer and said, "How would you like to do the new construction clean up on144 rooms at the Radisson Inn?" There will always be ups and downs in business, especially if you are deciding to work for yourself.
Many times it may seem like you're getting nowhere.
More than likely, in the beginning as you are starting your business, you will put in much more time than you would like to.
That is the price you pay of being a business owner.
If you don't put in the time to get it right, who else is going to do it for you?It's called "paying your dues".
I'm sure we've all heard of the gold miner who found a vein of gold and went home to get the equipment to dig it up, spending everything he had.
When he came back he couldn't find the vein again and finally gave up in total despair.
He was only three feet from the gold!Someone else had the knowledge to find it and made a fortune.
When times seem the toughest, don't give up on your dreams! You might be just three feet away!