How to Make Origami Reindeer
- 1). Flip paper over so brown side faces down. Turn paper sideways so it looks like a diamond shape. Take top corner, and bring down to bottom corner to fold the paper in half. Crease the paper lightly, then unfold.
- 2). Fold top corner from the right side down to the center crease line, and crease this new fold lightly. Do the same with the bottom corner, by folding it from the right side and up to the center crease. Do not unfold these two folds. This will leave a white triangular area to the left.
- 3). Take the top corner, and fold down from the left side to the center crease line. Do the same with the bottom point, folding up from the left side to meet the center crease line. This will form a long brown diamond.
- 4). Open the pockets towards the left hand side, by gently lifting the two smaller folds that overlap the two larger folds on the right. Gently flatten these two pockets.
- 5). Fold the diamond in half by taking the bottom point, and folding it beneath the top half. Crease this fold along the already creased center line.
- 1). Take the left corner point, and fold it back and to the right to make the neck. Crease this fold hard to hold the fold.
- 2). Fold the top point on the neck down for the reindeer's head, by folding the point down behind the neck and to the left. Fold the point on the head to make a blunt snout; the tip should be folded over to the right.
- 3). Fold both sides of the head down on each side, and crease to hold the fold in place.
- 4). Take the point on the flap of paper that overlaps the reindeer's body, and fold this over to the left and crease into place. Fold the corner of this flap back to the right, but only to the point tip in the middle of the top of the folded flap. This forms the reindeer's front legs.
- 5). Separate the back two flaps of paper at the right hand corner of the reindeer's body. Fold them down and to the left on each side about one inch forward, making a hood fold. Repeat a hood fold to the tip at the bottom of the reindeer's body, by folding it under and back to the right enough to form the back leg.
- 1). Cut carefully from the part of the reindeer's neck that meets the shoulder area. Snip up in a straight line to the bottom of the head. Do not cut this part off.
- 2). Cut along the fold on the back of the cut piece to separate the four flaps on paper. Be careful not to snip close enough to an edge that will cut the antlers off.
- 3). Fold the four antler flaps up, and spread along the top of the head like antlers. Crease these folded flaps carefully, but firmly enough so the folds hold the upright position.
Folding the Body
Folding the Head and Legs
Cutting the Antlers