Happiness is Everywhere - You Just Need to Find It!
Sometimes things look greener on the other side of the fence. Well it may be greener, but they have to mow more often! There is good and bad in everyone's life and just because things look great for someone else, doesn't mean it really is.
The secret to true happiness is to look for it within your own life. You will never be happy if you wait for happiness to fall in your lap. Your happiness and contentment is up to you, not someone else, the weather or your bank account. Only you can determine how you will feel in any situation and that includes how happy you will be in your life. So take a look around you, just exactly what do you have to be happy about?
Now it shouldn't take you long to find a few things in your life that make you happy. Even if your life is going rough right now, there are bright moments everywhere. Maybe it is in the sunrise or the fact that you have hot water or because your neighbor mowed your lawn. Think about how blessed and rich your life is, not because of material things but because of the people who are in it.
Too many people base their happiness on material possessions. They live life as if the more things they collect the happier they will be, but this isn't true. How many seemingly wealthy people are lonely and miserable? I am sure you can think of several famous people who have fought depression or even committed suicide, even though they had it all. But did they really have it all?
The love of family and friends and being surrounded with joy and laughter are what makes a life great. These are things that cannot be purchased. They are products of a good life and a rich life. Maybe not a life rich in dollars, but one that is rich in experience. If you spend all your time trying to earn enough money to get the material things you want, you will be sacrificing the things that will bring you true and lasting happiness.
So take the time to slow down and really take a good look at the life you have. Savor the people in your life who love you no matter how rich or poor you may be. True happiness comes from the associations we make in this life, not the collection of things we will eventually leave behind.
The secret to true happiness is to look for it within your own life. You will never be happy if you wait for happiness to fall in your lap. Your happiness and contentment is up to you, not someone else, the weather or your bank account. Only you can determine how you will feel in any situation and that includes how happy you will be in your life. So take a look around you, just exactly what do you have to be happy about?
Now it shouldn't take you long to find a few things in your life that make you happy. Even if your life is going rough right now, there are bright moments everywhere. Maybe it is in the sunrise or the fact that you have hot water or because your neighbor mowed your lawn. Think about how blessed and rich your life is, not because of material things but because of the people who are in it.
Too many people base their happiness on material possessions. They live life as if the more things they collect the happier they will be, but this isn't true. How many seemingly wealthy people are lonely and miserable? I am sure you can think of several famous people who have fought depression or even committed suicide, even though they had it all. But did they really have it all?
The love of family and friends and being surrounded with joy and laughter are what makes a life great. These are things that cannot be purchased. They are products of a good life and a rich life. Maybe not a life rich in dollars, but one that is rich in experience. If you spend all your time trying to earn enough money to get the material things you want, you will be sacrificing the things that will bring you true and lasting happiness.
So take the time to slow down and really take a good look at the life you have. Savor the people in your life who love you no matter how rich or poor you may be. True happiness comes from the associations we make in this life, not the collection of things we will eventually leave behind.