Things You Need To Know About Temporary Car Insurance
Car owners always want their car to be insured for the purpose of safety and protecting their car. There are basically two types of car insurance, the long term insurance and the short or temporary car insurance. Some people might find it comfortable to get long term because they won't have the need to get insurance every now and then. Normally, car insurance always last up to one year but what if you won't have your car for that length of time? Maybe you only have that car because some friend left it to you while he/she is on a vacation but because you need insurance before you can drive it? You will surely need a car insurance that don't have a full year premium when you only have the car for a few days or weeks and you know that your current car insurance doesn't cover other cars.
You have two options when face with this situation – either you get insurance and drive the car or you still drive the car without the insurance and risk your car being confiscated. Of course, the first choice is the best for you. You just have to find a short term insurance. You can get temporary car insurance for between 1 to 28 days. You can also use this type of insurance if you are driving a new car and you can't afford long term insurance yet. There are advantages for this short term insurance and this are:
If you are asking if you are entitled to have temporary car insurance, well, any person who has a driving license effective for at least a year is allowed. There are also numbers of options that certain car insurance might cover and these are the following:
However, temporary car insurance should not replace the standard long term insurance of yearly cover. It is purely for situation stated above and for emergencies cases. This type of insurance proves to be beneficial and a lot easier rather than registering your second car on your current car insurance.
You have two options when face with this situation – either you get insurance and drive the car or you still drive the car without the insurance and risk your car being confiscated. Of course, the first choice is the best for you. You just have to find a short term insurance. You can get temporary car insurance for between 1 to 28 days. You can also use this type of insurance if you are driving a new car and you can't afford long term insurance yet. There are advantages for this short term insurance and this are:
- Firstly, you can get instant cover for your car. You can access online quote from any online sites and buy a policy suitable for your needs.
- If you need your car repaired and you need insurance to cover the cost, temporary insurance is what you need.
- You can get multiple cover drivers for your car. It means, whether your friend or relative drives your car, the insurance is still working.
If you are asking if you are entitled to have temporary car insurance, well, any person who has a driving license effective for at least a year is allowed. There are also numbers of options that certain car insurance might cover and these are the following:
- Driving a new car to your home
- Test driving a car
- When you are moving and carrying a furniture
- Renting a car
- Or you can insure yourself while you are riding in another car
However, temporary car insurance should not replace the standard long term insurance of yearly cover. It is purely for situation stated above and for emergencies cases. This type of insurance proves to be beneficial and a lot easier rather than registering your second car on your current car insurance.