How to Get Quick Dreads
- 1). Wash your hair with residue-free shampoo that is clarifying and does not leave any conditioners behind in the hair. This will clean the hair to begin the dreads.
- 2). Enlist the help of a friend to section your hair into dread pieces. If you are doing it by yourself use a mirror placed in front and behind you so that you can see what you are doing. Use a comb to separate the pieces into small squares and tie the pieces with small ponytail holders at the root. This will ensure that the resulting dreadlocks are of similar size.
- 3). Turn your head upside down and spray with locking dreadlock accelerator. Spray enough so that it gets on each section of hair, but you do not need to spray on an overabundance.
- 4). Remove the hair from one ponytail holder at a time and backcomb the hair from the end of the hair. Backcombing means that you slide the hair towards the roots with your comb. After doing this for a while you will see a dread beginning to form. Once you have a small amount of hair remaining from the section that is practically impossible to backcomb any longer, fold it up towards the root and use a ponytail holder to secure the end of the dread.
- 5). Scoop out a small amount of dreadlock wax from the container and warm it with your fingers. Place the wax 1/2 inch away from the roots and smooth it down the dreadlock 3 inches. Place more wax and repeat this on the next 3 inches of your dread until you reach the tip. Use the palm of your hand to smooth the wax over the entire dreadlock at this point. Repeat with the other dreads on your head.
- 6). Blow dry your new dreads to melt the wax completely into your hair. If you see any excess wax smooth with a towel over your dreads.
- 7). Remove the ponytail holders from the tips of your dreadlocks after approximately two months when the tip is completely locked into place.