Discover Green Energy - Three Great Ideas Will Save You Money on Energy Costs
Would you like to save money on energy costs? Here are three great ideas that will help you do so.
- Reduce Use.
The easiest way to save money on energy costs is very simple.
Just reduce the amount of energy that you use.
Make sure that when you leave a room, you turn off ALL unnecessary lights and appliances.
Many electrical devices will continue to use electricity even when not being "used".
Examples are a computer printer, a computer, even many radios.
If the device has a continuous electronic display, then they are drawing electricity even while not being actively used.
A good way to save electricity this way would be to connect all these devices to a master power switch, and shut them all down at once when leaving the area. - Convert to a Solar Energy System.
Sound hard? It isn't.
Many people can convert to a solar power system as a do it yourself project.
Sound expensive? It needn't be.
Many parts of the solar power conversion can be found for free, or purchased at a deep discount.
A reasonably handy person can do a solar power conversion as a weekend project and save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars a year on electrical costs. - Convert to Wind Energy.
A wind power turbine is a project that can be readily tackled by a person with average do-it-yourself skills.
If you live in an area that has a fairly constant wind blowing at an average ten to fifteen miles per hour, this may be a viable alternative to the power company, and can save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars per year.