Expose The Truth
Soon it will be Ash Wednesday. To some this day doesn't mean anything, to
others it's a religious day. It is the 1st day of "Lent" and it is the 7th
Wednesday before Easter where they put ashes on the foreheads of the faithful as
a sign of repentance. This is what I remember about the holiday as we always
used to go to church for every holiday when I was a child.
I was brought up thinking of clergymen as the representation of "God" on earth
like a disciple. They are supposed to be holy and pure individuals. Yet we do
need to keep in mind that this is exactly what they are…people. They are simply
human beings just like the rest of us, and you got it, no one is perfect! No
one! Humans are vulnerable to temptation.
I'm telling you, even churches are not safe places anymore. There was recently a
man who shot himself in one, another shot a few others in another, it goes on
and on. You hear all the stories of the sexual abuse (including myself). There
are two priests on trial right now for stealing from what I have read, some
reports say close to $500,000 and others $800,000 and into the millions. They
were living a "lavish" lifestyle. They took gambling trips to Las Vegas with a
mistress, spent money on expensive homes. One of the priests had a sexual
relationship with the church's ex bookkeeper. He also paid all her credit card
payments! One of them is 81 years of age and the other is 66 years old.
To think of a man in this position doing such a thing is shocking, yet like I
said, it reminds us that we are all human! You really just can't trust anybody
nowadays. Not even a man of the "cloth". This is exactly the reason for the
hidden camera! To reveal the truth! A
Built-In DVR Hidden Outlet Camera is an excellent choice. No one will
even be able to tell this electrical outlet has a hidden color camera and mini
DVR with an SD card to record what the camera picks up. Plugging the electrical
outlet into a wall plug powers the DVR and the camera. This hidden camera
features motion-activated recording that begins as soon as motion is sensed.
Put your mind at ease now and get all of the answers right in front of your very
own eyes!
Yours In Safety,
Regina Jacques
others it's a religious day. It is the 1st day of "Lent" and it is the 7th
Wednesday before Easter where they put ashes on the foreheads of the faithful as
a sign of repentance. This is what I remember about the holiday as we always
used to go to church for every holiday when I was a child.
I was brought up thinking of clergymen as the representation of "God" on earth
like a disciple. They are supposed to be holy and pure individuals. Yet we do
need to keep in mind that this is exactly what they are…people. They are simply
human beings just like the rest of us, and you got it, no one is perfect! No
one! Humans are vulnerable to temptation.
I'm telling you, even churches are not safe places anymore. There was recently a
man who shot himself in one, another shot a few others in another, it goes on
and on. You hear all the stories of the sexual abuse (including myself). There
are two priests on trial right now for stealing from what I have read, some
reports say close to $500,000 and others $800,000 and into the millions. They
were living a "lavish" lifestyle. They took gambling trips to Las Vegas with a
mistress, spent money on expensive homes. One of the priests had a sexual
relationship with the church's ex bookkeeper. He also paid all her credit card
payments! One of them is 81 years of age and the other is 66 years old.
To think of a man in this position doing such a thing is shocking, yet like I
said, it reminds us that we are all human! You really just can't trust anybody
nowadays. Not even a man of the "cloth". This is exactly the reason for the
hidden camera! To reveal the truth! A
Built-In DVR Hidden Outlet Camera is an excellent choice. No one will
even be able to tell this electrical outlet has a hidden color camera and mini
DVR with an SD card to record what the camera picks up. Plugging the electrical
outlet into a wall plug powers the DVR and the camera. This hidden camera
features motion-activated recording that begins as soon as motion is sensed.
Put your mind at ease now and get all of the answers right in front of your very
own eyes!
Yours In Safety,
Regina Jacques