9 Species Of Cockroaches: Which Ones Might You Find In Your Home?
Cockroaches are ugly insects.
When they invade your home they cause visitors to question your housekeeping skills.
When you don't know how to treat for these bugs they quickly grow into large families, and the population gets out of control fast.
Even more troublesome is the fact that roaches carry diseases that threaten your family's health.
Depending on where you live in the United States you can run into any of these nine cockroaches that live around the country.
But where exactly do you find each of these roach species, and is there a chance that any given type of cockroach will infest your home? Learn which brand of roach threatens to attack you.
Learn how to treat for those roaches.
Save yourself, and your family, a lot of embarrassment, illness, and expense.
Here's a list of the 9, and how likely they'll invade your home: ·American Cockroach - You rarely find this roach in homes.
The American lives in the sewers of every city in the United States.
You find them in apartment buildings.
(If you live in an apartment this roach might threaten you.
) They also live in hospitals, prisons, large buildings, and groceries where they usually crawl out of dry drains.
·Australian Cockroach - These live mostly in the south, but occasionally show up in northern greenhouses.
This pest severely threatens young plants.
We normally don't find them in homes.
·Brown Banded Cockroach - You'll find these roaches in your home.
They prefer living up off the floor, preferably under furniture, in appliances, and behind moldings.
They also live behind pictures, tapestries, and other decorative hangings on occasion.
·Brown Cockroach - Brown roaches live in our southern states.
We see them rarely in northern states though people do sometimes transport them in belongings when they move from the south to the north.
·German Cockroach - This is the most common household insect in America.
It lives in any heated space, but prefers kitchens and bathrooms.
The German roach is the largest source of cockroach infestation in our homes.
·Oriental Cockroach - This roach doesn't populate our homes often.
The Oriental lives in damp secluded places such as drains, and craw spaces.
We sometimes find the species in sinks and bathtubs because they crawl out of the drain.
When they do they go no farther because they can't climb the smooth sides.
Orientals thrive in cold weather, but when seen in homes it's most often in spring, or early summer.
·Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach - They occasionally invade homes, flying through an open door or window.
Wood roaches live under loose bark, or inside hollow trees.
Sometimes they build their nests under shake siding, or live in firewood piles.
This roach cannot survive inside the home.
·Smoky Brown Cockroach - These roaches live mostly outdoors in the south.
They live around garages, flowerpots, woodpiles, crawl spaces, and vacant buildings.
Smoky brown roaches occasionally establish themselves in the north, but mostly in greenhouses.
·Surinam Cockroach - The Surinam lives in tropical, hot, humid areas - mostly outdoors.
The species is common in Florida and South Texas.
We see them in New Orleans, and in heated mall plantings, greenhouses, and zoos of the north on occasion.
The only serious threat of home infestation comes from the Brown Banded and German Cockroaches.
Learning how to identify these roaches, and how to treat for them, gives you the power to control them.
Get that knowledge, and if cockroaches infest, or even show up in, your home you'll quickly eliminate them.
When they invade your home they cause visitors to question your housekeeping skills.
When you don't know how to treat for these bugs they quickly grow into large families, and the population gets out of control fast.
Even more troublesome is the fact that roaches carry diseases that threaten your family's health.
Depending on where you live in the United States you can run into any of these nine cockroaches that live around the country.
But where exactly do you find each of these roach species, and is there a chance that any given type of cockroach will infest your home? Learn which brand of roach threatens to attack you.
Learn how to treat for those roaches.
Save yourself, and your family, a lot of embarrassment, illness, and expense.
Here's a list of the 9, and how likely they'll invade your home: ·American Cockroach - You rarely find this roach in homes.
The American lives in the sewers of every city in the United States.
You find them in apartment buildings.
(If you live in an apartment this roach might threaten you.
) They also live in hospitals, prisons, large buildings, and groceries where they usually crawl out of dry drains.
·Australian Cockroach - These live mostly in the south, but occasionally show up in northern greenhouses.
This pest severely threatens young plants.
We normally don't find them in homes.
·Brown Banded Cockroach - You'll find these roaches in your home.
They prefer living up off the floor, preferably under furniture, in appliances, and behind moldings.
They also live behind pictures, tapestries, and other decorative hangings on occasion.
·Brown Cockroach - Brown roaches live in our southern states.
We see them rarely in northern states though people do sometimes transport them in belongings when they move from the south to the north.
·German Cockroach - This is the most common household insect in America.
It lives in any heated space, but prefers kitchens and bathrooms.
The German roach is the largest source of cockroach infestation in our homes.
·Oriental Cockroach - This roach doesn't populate our homes often.
The Oriental lives in damp secluded places such as drains, and craw spaces.
We sometimes find the species in sinks and bathtubs because they crawl out of the drain.
When they do they go no farther because they can't climb the smooth sides.
Orientals thrive in cold weather, but when seen in homes it's most often in spring, or early summer.
·Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach - They occasionally invade homes, flying through an open door or window.
Wood roaches live under loose bark, or inside hollow trees.
Sometimes they build their nests under shake siding, or live in firewood piles.
This roach cannot survive inside the home.
·Smoky Brown Cockroach - These roaches live mostly outdoors in the south.
They live around garages, flowerpots, woodpiles, crawl spaces, and vacant buildings.
Smoky brown roaches occasionally establish themselves in the north, but mostly in greenhouses.
·Surinam Cockroach - The Surinam lives in tropical, hot, humid areas - mostly outdoors.
The species is common in Florida and South Texas.
We see them in New Orleans, and in heated mall plantings, greenhouses, and zoos of the north on occasion.
The only serious threat of home infestation comes from the Brown Banded and German Cockroaches.
Learning how to identify these roaches, and how to treat for them, gives you the power to control them.
Get that knowledge, and if cockroaches infest, or even show up in, your home you'll quickly eliminate them.