How to Size Fishing Hooks to Plastic Worms
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Fishing can be a relaxing way to spend a summer day.Fishing Boat image by Gon?¡ìalo Carreira from
The best method of sizing fishing hooks to plastic worms is by laying your collection of both out on a table side-by-side. Begin by deciding the type of rig that will work best for the lake, time of year and type of fish you wish to catch.
There are specific types of plastic worm rigs used for heavily-weeded areas. This type of rig resists catching on underwater twigs and weeds. Some rigs work better in colder climates than others. Take into account these factors when deciding which type of rigs to make with your hooks and worms. - 2
Catch the big ones with the Texas rigged worm.tackle on black image by Aleksandr Ugorenkov from
Thread the tip of a 3/0 Gamakatsu Skip Gap Hook through the end of a six-inch Stinger plastic worm. This is called a Texas Rigged worm and it is very popular for fishing in weeded areas with underwater brush. Any variety of soft, thick plastic worm will work great with the 3/0 Gamakatsu Skip Gap Hook.
This rig is praised for its ability to catch the larger bass. Many anglers believe that using a darker color plastic worm works better. - 3
Fishing is often best in shallows or areas with,boat,fishermen, image by Earl Robbins from
Use a six-inch Berkley Nightcrawler with a 3/0 EWG (Extra Wide Gap) to create a floating worm rig. Attach a swivel about eight inches ahead of the lure with heavier test line. The offset shank hooks works great in this rig for catching those large bass in clear water. This rig can also work in areas with lots of overhanging trees.
Hooks offering the extra wide gap work better with all types of floating worms. - 4
Bass love to lurk in weeds.swamp image by Marek Kosmal from
Use a 7-1/2 inch Stik-O or Shakey Worm with a 3/0 Gamakatsu Slip Gap Hook. Insert the hook an inch up from the end, as with the Texas Rig, then use about 18 inches of 10-pound test line on the leader. Connect a barrel swivel, bead and bass casting sinker, each about one inch apart. This rig works best on schooling small mouth bass. If fishing in heavy weeds, use a weed guard.
The 3/0 Gamakatsu hook also works great with all types of power worms, especially those with flat tails. - 5
Fish usually bite better in the early morning hours.boat image by wilmar huisman from
Attach a six-inch swimming worm to a Gamakatsu Straight Eye Shiner Hook using a swivel and leader line. Any size hook will work depending upon the size fish sighted in the area. Use this rig around grassy shorelines and boat docks.
A Straight Eye Shiner Hook complements the 10-inch Rage Tail Thumper worm. Use the darker colored Rage Tail Thumper in murky waters.