Dating After Divorce - 3 Tips For Getting Out There Post Divorce
Dating after a divorce may be a daunting prospect, especially if it has been awhile since you have been "in the game.
" You may also have a whole new set of considerations now, from different schedules brought about by a more demanding career, to the existence of children that you want to stabilize and protect as much as possible.
Here are 3 tips for getting out in to the dating world again after a divorce: 1.
Take your time in getting back into relationship mode.
It is important to take the time and necessary steps to be sure you have fully processed what went wrong in your marriage - your mistakes as well as your ex spouse's.
The goal is not to blame anyone or beat yourself up, but to understand what happened so you can be proactive and conscious and make different choices to prevent the same outcome.
Spend lots of time with friends and family.
Fill up your social calendar.
Not only will it keep you busy and less inclined to jump at any date you are offered, increasing selectiveness, but it will also convey the message to potential dates that you do indeed have a busy and full life - which is far more attractive than someone who is waiting by the phone for a call every night.
Being around your friends and family who love you also has the added bonus of building up your self worth, and counteracting any negative message about you that your ex spouse or the divorce process itself caused you to assimilate.
Get back in touch with your instincts and red flag warning system.
If your marriage was abusive or otherwise toxic, you might have become accustomed to suppressing the instinctual reactions you had to preserve your emotional, physical, and spiritual safety.
Begin by assessing how you body reacts to the good and bad situations in your life.
Pay close attention to your tension levels, as well as the times you feel peaceful and relaxed.
If certain people agitate, shame, or cause you anxiety, look carefully at what that might be telling you.
Take this awareness into dating situations and choose your company wisely.
" You may also have a whole new set of considerations now, from different schedules brought about by a more demanding career, to the existence of children that you want to stabilize and protect as much as possible.
Here are 3 tips for getting out in to the dating world again after a divorce: 1.
Take your time in getting back into relationship mode.
It is important to take the time and necessary steps to be sure you have fully processed what went wrong in your marriage - your mistakes as well as your ex spouse's.
The goal is not to blame anyone or beat yourself up, but to understand what happened so you can be proactive and conscious and make different choices to prevent the same outcome.
Spend lots of time with friends and family.
Fill up your social calendar.
Not only will it keep you busy and less inclined to jump at any date you are offered, increasing selectiveness, but it will also convey the message to potential dates that you do indeed have a busy and full life - which is far more attractive than someone who is waiting by the phone for a call every night.
Being around your friends and family who love you also has the added bonus of building up your self worth, and counteracting any negative message about you that your ex spouse or the divorce process itself caused you to assimilate.
Get back in touch with your instincts and red flag warning system.
If your marriage was abusive or otherwise toxic, you might have become accustomed to suppressing the instinctual reactions you had to preserve your emotional, physical, and spiritual safety.
Begin by assessing how you body reacts to the good and bad situations in your life.
Pay close attention to your tension levels, as well as the times you feel peaceful and relaxed.
If certain people agitate, shame, or cause you anxiety, look carefully at what that might be telling you.
Take this awareness into dating situations and choose your company wisely.