How to Attract Cactus Wrens
- 1). Live in an area and local environment in which cactus wrens are native. They live exclusively in the Southwestern United States, including New Mexico, Arizona, and California. Also, if you live in an urban area with little plant life, you will be unsuccessful at drawing in these birds.
- 2). Plant cacti and other thorny shrubs in your yard. The first thing a bird looks for is a place to nest. Provide a home for a cactus wren, and you will likely see one soon.
- 3). Keep the yard stocked with food the bird enjoys. These wrens feed primarily on insects. You do not have to try to bring more insects into your yard. However, you may consider easing up on insect removal. As soon as cactus wrens take residence in your yard, they will keep the bugs in check for you.
- 4). Leave fruit for the birds. In addition to insects, cactus wrens also eat fruit. Do not worry about acquiring a bird feeder. This species prefers to forage on the ground or in shrubs anyway. They adore raw apple chunks. Plant fruit-bearing shrubs to further supply the wren's diet.
- 5). Provide a watering spot for the birds, as well. All birds need water. Set up a bird bath or a small pool of water for the birds to visit.