How to Make a Slide Show Using iPhoto
- 1). Open iPhoto from the Dock or from the Applications folder.
- 2). Select the pictures from the library to be used in the slideshow. Hold the "command" button and click the pictures to select multiple images.
- 3). Click "Slideshow" on the bottom center of the window.
- 4). Select a theme from the "Theme" tab.
- 5). Click on the "Music" tab. Check "Play music during slideshow" and select a song from your iTunes library if you desire music.
- 6). Click on the "Settings" tab.
- 7). Select a duration time for each of the slides. This controls how long the slide will appear before moving on to the next one.
- 8). Select a transition, scale, caption and title for the slides. Transition adds an animated transition between images. Scale allows you to select the size of the pictures in the slideshow. Caption adds text to the images. The title function allows you to name the slideshow.
- 9). Click "Play" to begin the slideshow.