The Power of Unending Persistence
I know you know, as I do, there is no secret to achieving what you want; it's just simply unending persistence.
You've set your goals, you've scheduled their achievement, you've made sure to take action to achieve, you've kept a positive focus and now it's about keeping going, taking action each and everyday, keeping going and taking action each and everyday.
I could continue to repeat that and you know as I do that is what it takes.
Easy to say and becomes easier and easier to do the more you are in action and continue on being persistent.
Persistence for me is about keeping on going even when I really don't feel like it.
Persistence is the enemy of procrastination and is a sure fire way towards achieving success.
Even if you have to take a detour - that's o.
, the trick is to keep on going with that positive mindset and knowing that in taking action you will get to your goals.
This quote by Dale Carnegie reminds us about the power of persistence, "Most of the important things in the world has been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all".
What will you do when you perceive you have run out of hope? And you feel that you've had one too many doors closed in your face.
Here's what I'd like you to do..
Make a list of seven things you can do to help engender greater hope, create ideas, take action, make you feel positive, uplifted, motivated.
Here are some of the things I have done: 1.
Mediated 2.
Engaged the services of a coach 3.
Got a mentor 4.
Gone for walks 5.
Watched funny movies 6.
Talked to friends 7.
Write in my journal 8.
Write out and create my vision; this acts as a reminder - who says we just have to write it out once, actually, writing it out on a daily basis can help you to stay ever present and ever focused, 9.
Create a collage of my goals 10.
I also like writing out affirmations - you know, those positive messages that you can just take out anywhere, read them and get a real energy boost.
These are some of the things I do, now over to you.
You've set your goals, you've scheduled their achievement, you've made sure to take action to achieve, you've kept a positive focus and now it's about keeping going, taking action each and everyday, keeping going and taking action each and everyday.
I could continue to repeat that and you know as I do that is what it takes.
Easy to say and becomes easier and easier to do the more you are in action and continue on being persistent.
Persistence for me is about keeping on going even when I really don't feel like it.
Persistence is the enemy of procrastination and is a sure fire way towards achieving success.
Even if you have to take a detour - that's o.
, the trick is to keep on going with that positive mindset and knowing that in taking action you will get to your goals.
This quote by Dale Carnegie reminds us about the power of persistence, "Most of the important things in the world has been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all".
What will you do when you perceive you have run out of hope? And you feel that you've had one too many doors closed in your face.
Here's what I'd like you to do..
Make a list of seven things you can do to help engender greater hope, create ideas, take action, make you feel positive, uplifted, motivated.
Here are some of the things I have done: 1.
Mediated 2.
Engaged the services of a coach 3.
Got a mentor 4.
Gone for walks 5.
Watched funny movies 6.
Talked to friends 7.
Write in my journal 8.
Write out and create my vision; this acts as a reminder - who says we just have to write it out once, actually, writing it out on a daily basis can help you to stay ever present and ever focused, 9.
Create a collage of my goals 10.
I also like writing out affirmations - you know, those positive messages that you can just take out anywhere, read them and get a real energy boost.
These are some of the things I do, now over to you.