Latest News In Australian Immigration
The Latest News In Australia Immigration includes some minor adjustments and changes that have been effected into the Australia migration statutes for the next program year i.e. 2013-2014. The modifications effected have been made with a view to make the SKillSelect adaptive to needs of the local economy and make the new policy more sensitive to the aspirations of the local stakeholders and components.
The modifications and the updates which have been integrated into the policy structure include the elimination of some occupational references from the required trade tabulations in the federal avatars and integrated format i.e. SOL and CSOL respectively. In the federal tabulation the SOL, 7 trades have thereof been removed w.e.f. 1st July 2013
Similarly from the integrated trade tabulation the CSOL format occupational reference 234512- Anatomist or Physiologist has been struck off.
Some new additions have been integrated into the integrated trade tabulation the CSOL w.e.f. 1st July 2013 i.e.
Some of the professional indications which have been retained in the CSOL are
The trades which had achieved annual number cap in the previous year program of Australian Immigration have been reset to 0 and now the applicants who have filed or are intending their EOIs on SKillSelect will be considered for the next round of selection procedure in the year 2013 – 2014. These professional references include
Other changes that are deemed Latest In Australian Immigration include
For more Latest News In Australian Immigrationyou can get in touch with some expert Australia migration specialist
The modifications and the updates which have been integrated into the policy structure include the elimination of some occupational references from the required trade tabulations in the federal avatars and integrated format i.e. SOL and CSOL respectively. In the federal tabulation the SOL, 7 trades have thereof been removed w.e.f. 1st July 2013
- 133612 - Procurement Manager
- 251112 - Nutritionist
- 271214 - Intellectual Property Lawyer
- 272414 - Archaeologist
- 311415 - Hydrographer
- 361115 - Kennel Hand
- 254425 - Registered Nurse (Pediatric)
Similarly from the integrated trade tabulation the CSOL format occupational reference 234512- Anatomist or Physiologist has been struck off.
Some new additions have been integrated into the integrated trade tabulation the CSOL w.e.f. 1st July 2013 i.e.
- 133612 - Procurement Manager
- 251112 - Nutritionist
- 271214 - Intellectual Property Lawyer
- 272414 - Archaeologist
- 311415 - Hydrographer
- 361115 - Kennel Hand
- 254425 - Registered Nurse (Pediatric)
Some of the professional indications which have been retained in the CSOL are
- 251511- Hospital Pharmacist
- 251513 - Retail Pharmacist
- 323111- Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics)
- 323112 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical)
- 323113 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures)
The trades which had achieved annual number cap in the previous year program of Australian Immigration have been reset to 0 and now the applicants who have filed or are intending their EOIs on SKillSelect will be considered for the next round of selection procedure in the year 2013 – 2014. These professional references include
- 233111 - Chemical and Materials Engineers has 360 slots in the current year scheme
- 261111 - ICT Business & System Analysts has 300 slots in this year program
- 233411 - Electronic Engineers has 420 places available in 2013-2014 scheme
- 263311 - Telecommunications Engineering Professionals has 300 places in this year's scheme
- 233999 - Other Engineering Professionals has 300 places for qualified people in 2013-14
- 261399 - Software and Applications Programmers has been allotted 4800 places in 2013-14 program etc.
Other changes that are deemed Latest In Australian Immigration include
- Substantial modification in the mode of processing of the subsection 485 (provisional graduation aspirants) visa will be changed general skilled migration to the provisional entry permission. These changes will however not affect the people filing the application and only the processing itenary has been modified.
- Changes in the operational aspect of provisional entry visa under subsection 457.
- Now the companies intending to hire overseas workforce will have to substantiate their genuine resolve to provide training to the local populace and workforce and to evidence carrying of such practices they will have to submit regular audits that illustrate and point at the training schemes they are running.
- Besides this, employers intending to hire labor will also have to prove that there is a genuine deficit of requisite workforce and they have not been able to locate any suitable individual to work in the similar capacity. The officials will still reserve the right of canceling the issue of visa if they feel that offer is not genuine
For more Latest News In Australian Immigrationyou can get in touch with some expert Australia migration specialist