How to Fit a Blouse Sleeve in Sewing
- 1). Sew the shoulder seams and side seams of the blouse. There are several methods for sewing sleeves, but the set-in sleeve is usually done with the side seams sewn. Press the seams open.
- 2). Set the stitch length of your sewing machine to a longer stitch. Eight to 10 stitches per inch, or a regular basting stitch, will work. The top of the sleeve will have a high, rounded cap. There will be notches on either side of the cap. Stitch along the 5/8-inch seam allowance between the notches. For security, you may wish to add a second row of stitches. Leave 2-inch tails of thread at either end of the stitches.
- 3). Sew up and finish the underarm seam of the sleeve. Press the seams open. You may wish to add the cuff as well if it is a long-sleeved blouse. Turn the blouse inside out, but leave the sleeve with the right-side out.
- 4). Place the sleeve inside the blouse and fit the top to the arm hole. The right sides of the blouse and sleeve will be together. Match the notches and dots on the sleeve and arm hole. The underarm sleeve seam should be matched to the blouse side seam. The top of the sleeve cap should be matched to the shoulder seam. Adjust the threads on the cap by pulling on the loose thread ends. Create small gathers so the cap just fits the arm hole. Pin the sleeve in place.
- 5). Sew the sleeve in place with a 5/8-inch seam allowance. Sew over the stitching a few inches at the underarm for greater stability. Trim the seam, turn and press. Remove the easing threads only if they are visible on the outside of the garment.