The Alexandria Crime Highlights Al Qaeda's Identity as a Freemasonic Fabrication
Life continued peaceful in Alexandria today, Sunday, 2nd of January 2011; certainly, there was a widespread feeling of sadness for the undeserved end of life of ca. 25 people and for the injury caused to ca. 80 people. There was also a feeling of indignation for the attempt itself, and the real perpetrators, who are hidden behind the fake name of Al Qaeda.
Few logical people are left to believe that Al Qaeda exists and that its possible head, Ossama Bin Laden, is alive. Even fewer believe that various real persons arrested every now and then, here and there, have had any possible affiliation or relation with the said ghost organization that serves exclusively the implementation of the evil and Satanic plans of the perverse Secret Society: the realm of the Freemasonry and all its appendices and annexes.
Ossama Bin Laden is dead; he was assassinated while treated in a hospital in Pakistan in December 2001. Benazir Bhutto said in a public interview the name of Ossama Bin Laden's assassin, and this interview, which may have been one of the reasons she was assassinated in her turn, is publicly available on the Youtube; the video is brief (, but the focal interest should be directed to the period between 2 and 2:25.
Ayman Zawahri and several other key figures of the mythology 'Al Qaeda' are arrested, imprisoned and kept under high surveillance in America; they have been specifically treated in mind control laboratories, whereby brain implants (also known as neural implants) have been attached to their brains' cortex. They therefore have been completely incapacitated as independent and normal human beiings, and perfectly utilized as unconscious actors - tools of the Armageddon-scale destruction that the Freemasonic gansgters viciously intend to administer to the entire Islamic World. Their brain implants do comprise interfaces between their neural systems and computer chips.
More analytical descriptions of the techniques involved can be found here: (notice the logo!)é_Manuel_Rodriguez_Delgado
The subject may be vast, and is definitely out of the scope of the present article. I want however to state at this point that I am in possession of a vast literature on the subject, and more importantly, of equally vast mails sent to me by a Somali victim of the aforementioned practices, a brave Muslim who managed to escape and disclose to me - in mails and in person - the utilization of similar techniques against Somalia over the past 20 years. This does not take me by surprise because I have long been fully aware of the targeted nations, and of the reasons for the selection of several countries as targets.
The Al Qaeda Homunculi
In fact, Ayman Zawahri and some of his former colleagues, who share the same destiny, have been literally transformed into homunculi. This is not strange, if one takes into consideration the developments that have taken place in the Western World over the past 500 years, and the specific references to the concept of homunculus that have been made by leading Western minds from Paracelsus and Goethe to Umberto Eco - all Freemasons.
Here is available basic literature on the subject:
The use of the aforementioned techniques pertains to geo-strategic targets of the CIA, the British Intelligence, and the Mossad that all act in full concertation. The said secret services, along with those of several other countries, notably France, Belgium, Holland, Spain, Canada and Australia, have been meticulously working over the past two decades in order to implement their Atlantic choices of a unipolar world evolving around North America and Western Europe. This appears to be the primary policy of the said administrations that have always managed to take a common stance toward global issues, and when this was impossible, to cover and contain possible variances and discords.
Acting in full control of their deceived societies that are almost completely unaware of the realities and the methods of the existing governmental system in the West, these administrations are subservient to their hidden masters, the top of the Freemasonic hierarchy, the few members of the world's elite who in the darkness of their Satanic rituals perpetrate one after the other the crimes that spread disaster worldwide, offering them quasi-absolute control of the socioeconomic and political developments.
As the masses of the materialistic realms of North America and Western Europe are being fooled about an otherwise inexistent 'democracy' and an ill-conceived prosperity, the hidden masters of the undemocratic Western societies implement their criminal agenda against all the rest, primarily targeting Islam, Catholic Christianity, Orthodox Christianity, Russia, and China.
For each target, the means and the tools differ, although they are interconnected to some extent; the fabricated Islamic Terror myth serves for the destruction of the Islamic World, but at the same time, helps keep Russia busy in Daghestan, Chechnya, and even in Moscow. How nice!
Contrarily to what deceived people worldwide assume, Islamic terrorists do not exist. Radicals and integrists certainly exist, but they do not constitute an exclusive 'privilege' of the Islamic World, because there are more radicals and extremists among the US Evangelicals than among the world's 1.7 billion of Muslims.
The fabrication of Al Qaeda dates back in the 80s; its story is typical for a secret services agent to write and diffuse. No mainstream mass media worldwide are however allowed to reject the official version which is composed by the CIA, the British Intelligence and the Mossad, and typified in the ridiculous entry of the Freemasonry-controlled Wikipedia ( Nazi propagandists in Germany, back in the 1930s, would have felt like uneducated schoolchildren if they had compared their poor writings to the systematized falsehood of Wikipedia.
Every mainstream publication on Al Qaeda represents an incredible number of far fetched assumptions, unprecedented innuendos, and distorted pieces of unconnected events. By intermingling real events with factoids, and adding to the mixture a great number of prefabricated comments, misinterpreted occurrences, and unverified circumstances, the frontal office for Al Qaeda (set up by the CIA, the British Intelligence and the Mossad) diffuses the falsehood that they want the entire world to believe - and be frightened of.
The back office for Al Qaeda is established out of diverse hospitals, concentration camps, special prisons, institutes of foreign languages, fake medresas (religious schools), and high security laboratories whereby multiple activities are planned as per governmental and extra-governmental orders; there and under full secrecy, factoids are prepared, agents are educated and guided, and fake video tapes are carefully filmed.
There have been more than ten look-alike doubles of Ossama Bin Laden, and there are currently more than five look-alike doubles of Ayman Zawahri, although the real homunculus of Ayman Zawahri still exists, along with many others (more than 500 persons!), being thus one of the most horridly tortured people in the world (via the aforementioned methods). In fact, he is not himself anymore, but a sheer instrument.
The Political and Geo-strategic Use of the Ghost Organization of Al Qaeda
The aforementioned brief sketch, which is the only to plainly interpret the parody of theater staged in front of the deceived Mankind over the past two decades, makes clear that the intentions are vicious and indicates that the final target is of disproportionate, exorbitant scale.
This may sound incredible to simple, average people whose only ambition is to survive, but they would make a good present to themselves by remembering that powerful and vast empires (Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Caliphate, Tsarist Russia, Germany, China, Japan, Spain and Ancien Régime France) collapsed due to the same Freemasonic plan providing for Satan's global predominance.
The ghost organization Al Qaeda was geared to
1. Cover the Western regimes' direct effort to bring chaos, discord, wars and ultimate disaster to the Islamic World
2. Confuse the moderate governments of Islamic countries by fully engaging them in a struggle against unknown and more importantly inexistent enemies
3. Enter into indirect war with non moderate governments of Islamic countries (Iran)
4. Generate internal developments through triggered, stage-maneuvered 'incidents' (this was precisely the Alexandria Crime)
5. Feed the Freemasonry-controlled, criminal, mainstream mass media with factoids that through apt and subtle effort of misinformation shape a totally wrong global public opinion about a subject. The Financial Times, a Freemasonic trash, gave a perfect example of filthy, fallacious and criminal journalism, specifying in an absolutely misplaced title that ''Bomb blast in Egypt highlights divisions'' (,dwp_uuid=f39ffd26-4bb2-11da-997b-0000779e2340.html#axzz19ssek6fw). Nothing can be more vicious a statement on this occurrence than this; in fact, the bomb blast in Egypt highlighted Egypt's solid national unity and perseverence. Anger was certainly expressed by some hot-blooded people; but no one accepted that a division exists or can ever be in Egypt.
If an act is perpetrated and is immediately reported and focused-on by a mass media establishment known for its Freemasonic affiliation, one can be sure that it was a matter of stage-maneuvering. More exaggeration is offered in the interpretation, stronger the Freemasonic decision is to stage-manage developments.
When the act is attributed to Al Qaeda, you can be sure that it serves a particular Freemasonic policy. Even worse, if the factoid takes place on a day that has a particular numeric value or bears a symbolic meaning. The New Year's Day - for the Alexandria Crime - highlights the Freemasonic agenda for the year, and indicates that there will be an evil focus placed on the country where the incident takes place. (Noted exaggeration:
The Freemasonic Agenda for North-Eastern Africa and the Middle East
"Totus mundus agit histrionem" ( the whole world is a playhouse ): this motto was displayed above the main entrance of the Globe Theater, a Freemasonic institution in 16th century England. Next to it, the entrance featured the figure of Hercules carrying a globe, an indication of the polytheistic ideas that permeated the paranoid doctrine of the secret society of Crime and Incest: either you call it Freemasonry or Mother of the Harlots, according to the Christian Book of the Revelation, it is the same.
The aforementioned motto was slightly modified and incorporated in the William Shakespeare play As You Like It - "All the world's a stage" which was performed at the Freemasonic theater. William Shakespeare was a Freemason.
Secretively manipulating people and developments, the Freemasons believe that they have entrapped the whole world, turning the outright majority of innocent people into playthings with which they and their pseudo-god, Satan, can do whatever they like. It goes without saying that their ''playthings'' can never have any value for them, either they consist in political parties, international organizations, universities, corporations and states or they are mere human beings. The evilness of utilization automatically eliminates any value of the ''plaything'', revealing therefore the true nature of the Freemasonic priesthood of Satan.
What follows is a general outline of the basic axes of the Freemasonic agenda for the said region.
Islamic radicalization of Turkey, collapse of the secular establishment
Secession of South Sudan
Israeli - US attack against Iran, grave nuclear explosions
Chaos in Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon
Complete destabilization of Egypt
Chaos in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Somalia
Fabrication of an African pro-Israel state incorporating South Sudan, Uganda, and parts of Kenya, geared to receive mass exodus from a destabilized Israel
Generalized war in the Middle East with catastrophic result for Israel, US, NATO and the Middle Eastern states, Damascus destroyed, Israel lethaly destabilized
Balkan wars with Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece siding against Turkey, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo and Bosnia, with detrimental disaster for all
War between Egypt and Sudan against Abyssinia (fake Ethiopia) with detrimental losses for all
Caucasus war with Russia and Armenia siding against Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan and parts of a decomposed Iran
Islamic rebellion throughout Europe with focus in Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Holland and England
Secession of Kurdistan from Turkey, Iraq and Iran, and formation of a unified Kurdistan under supervision of the CIA, the British Intelligence, and the Mossad
Chaos in Europe, destruction of Vatican, rise of a dictatorship throughout Europe
Implosion of Pakistan, secession of Baluchistan, Pachtunistan, war with India
Rise of a Shia state in Arabia and Yemen, and fratricidal wars between Shia and Sunni Muslims throughout the Asiatic part of the Middle East, rise of a Sunni Caliphate at Medina
Extreme natural disasters, HAARP-triggered earthquakes devastate Northeast Africa, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia
Diffusion of manmade diseases in China, India, Africa, Latin Amrica - dozens of millions of dead
Second Middle Eastern war with Russian participation, calamitous result for Israel, and international involvement for final arrangement of peace
Evacuation of Zionist Israelis to Africa (South Sudan - Uganda - Kenya) and relocation of millions of English, French, Belgians and Dutch in the re-mapped area of Palestine; remaining Jews adhere to Extremist, Evangelical ''Christianity''
Because the last point is imperative for the Freemasonic agenda, you hear now the dog of Israeli foreign minister Lieberman saying that ''piece is impossible''.
One may simply ask why all this?
The answer is simple: far more has happened over the past 212 years, ever since Freemason Napoleon landed in Alexandria and propagated the evildoings of the Freemasons in the wider area.
An in-depth analysis may need a vast publication. In reality, the truth is simple, and always accessible to all. They 'key' is the Fremasonic paranoia with theater and stage. One must focus on what the Freemasons have been staging, the core of their play, the frame of the performance.
Extending a similar approach to the developments that took place over the past 250 years in the wider region from Morocco to India, and referring to prophecies written down in ages old holy books and apocalypses, one can conceptualize the evil Freemasonic play very easily: they try to stage-manage ''their own'' events according to what they had earlier read, basically in Daniel and the Revelation, in order to prevent the really prophesied events from happening.
They fabricated states, they baptized them with fake names, in order to create their own End Times' players - in full refutation of what the ancient prophesies heralded. Around Eastern Mediterranean and down to the Horn of Africa, there is a number of fake states whose names reflect only the Freemasonic needs for an apocalyptic, eschatological theatrical drama, not real, indigenous peoples' needs and identities.
Quite unfortunately, the final act will be a totally unforeseen development; and this will conclude the case for the evil Freemasonic organization, and their fake god, the fallen archangel. The cost will be extremely high, but the Mankind will go on; without them, and without their inhuman theater for which so many died and will die.
Picture: A cat for Ayman Zawahri - the supposed terrorist who is merely one of the CIA's many selected Islamists who have been transformed into suitable homunculi. "Cat lifted its hind leg in response to stimulation by an electrode implanted in its brain. The cat, Delgado says, displayed no discomfort in this experiment done in the early 1950s". ( And Ayman Zawahri displays no discomfort in the ongoing practice carried out in the early 2000s.
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Few logical people are left to believe that Al Qaeda exists and that its possible head, Ossama Bin Laden, is alive. Even fewer believe that various real persons arrested every now and then, here and there, have had any possible affiliation or relation with the said ghost organization that serves exclusively the implementation of the evil and Satanic plans of the perverse Secret Society: the realm of the Freemasonry and all its appendices and annexes.
Ossama Bin Laden is dead; he was assassinated while treated in a hospital in Pakistan in December 2001. Benazir Bhutto said in a public interview the name of Ossama Bin Laden's assassin, and this interview, which may have been one of the reasons she was assassinated in her turn, is publicly available on the Youtube; the video is brief (, but the focal interest should be directed to the period between 2 and 2:25.
Ayman Zawahri and several other key figures of the mythology 'Al Qaeda' are arrested, imprisoned and kept under high surveillance in America; they have been specifically treated in mind control laboratories, whereby brain implants (also known as neural implants) have been attached to their brains' cortex. They therefore have been completely incapacitated as independent and normal human beiings, and perfectly utilized as unconscious actors - tools of the Armageddon-scale destruction that the Freemasonic gansgters viciously intend to administer to the entire Islamic World. Their brain implants do comprise interfaces between their neural systems and computer chips.
More analytical descriptions of the techniques involved can be found here: (notice the logo!)é_Manuel_Rodriguez_Delgado
The subject may be vast, and is definitely out of the scope of the present article. I want however to state at this point that I am in possession of a vast literature on the subject, and more importantly, of equally vast mails sent to me by a Somali victim of the aforementioned practices, a brave Muslim who managed to escape and disclose to me - in mails and in person - the utilization of similar techniques against Somalia over the past 20 years. This does not take me by surprise because I have long been fully aware of the targeted nations, and of the reasons for the selection of several countries as targets.
The Al Qaeda Homunculi
In fact, Ayman Zawahri and some of his former colleagues, who share the same destiny, have been literally transformed into homunculi. This is not strange, if one takes into consideration the developments that have taken place in the Western World over the past 500 years, and the specific references to the concept of homunculus that have been made by leading Western minds from Paracelsus and Goethe to Umberto Eco - all Freemasons.
Here is available basic literature on the subject:
The use of the aforementioned techniques pertains to geo-strategic targets of the CIA, the British Intelligence, and the Mossad that all act in full concertation. The said secret services, along with those of several other countries, notably France, Belgium, Holland, Spain, Canada and Australia, have been meticulously working over the past two decades in order to implement their Atlantic choices of a unipolar world evolving around North America and Western Europe. This appears to be the primary policy of the said administrations that have always managed to take a common stance toward global issues, and when this was impossible, to cover and contain possible variances and discords.
Acting in full control of their deceived societies that are almost completely unaware of the realities and the methods of the existing governmental system in the West, these administrations are subservient to their hidden masters, the top of the Freemasonic hierarchy, the few members of the world's elite who in the darkness of their Satanic rituals perpetrate one after the other the crimes that spread disaster worldwide, offering them quasi-absolute control of the socioeconomic and political developments.
As the masses of the materialistic realms of North America and Western Europe are being fooled about an otherwise inexistent 'democracy' and an ill-conceived prosperity, the hidden masters of the undemocratic Western societies implement their criminal agenda against all the rest, primarily targeting Islam, Catholic Christianity, Orthodox Christianity, Russia, and China.
For each target, the means and the tools differ, although they are interconnected to some extent; the fabricated Islamic Terror myth serves for the destruction of the Islamic World, but at the same time, helps keep Russia busy in Daghestan, Chechnya, and even in Moscow. How nice!
Contrarily to what deceived people worldwide assume, Islamic terrorists do not exist. Radicals and integrists certainly exist, but they do not constitute an exclusive 'privilege' of the Islamic World, because there are more radicals and extremists among the US Evangelicals than among the world's 1.7 billion of Muslims.
The fabrication of Al Qaeda dates back in the 80s; its story is typical for a secret services agent to write and diffuse. No mainstream mass media worldwide are however allowed to reject the official version which is composed by the CIA, the British Intelligence and the Mossad, and typified in the ridiculous entry of the Freemasonry-controlled Wikipedia ( Nazi propagandists in Germany, back in the 1930s, would have felt like uneducated schoolchildren if they had compared their poor writings to the systematized falsehood of Wikipedia.
Every mainstream publication on Al Qaeda represents an incredible number of far fetched assumptions, unprecedented innuendos, and distorted pieces of unconnected events. By intermingling real events with factoids, and adding to the mixture a great number of prefabricated comments, misinterpreted occurrences, and unverified circumstances, the frontal office for Al Qaeda (set up by the CIA, the British Intelligence and the Mossad) diffuses the falsehood that they want the entire world to believe - and be frightened of.
The back office for Al Qaeda is established out of diverse hospitals, concentration camps, special prisons, institutes of foreign languages, fake medresas (religious schools), and high security laboratories whereby multiple activities are planned as per governmental and extra-governmental orders; there and under full secrecy, factoids are prepared, agents are educated and guided, and fake video tapes are carefully filmed.
There have been more than ten look-alike doubles of Ossama Bin Laden, and there are currently more than five look-alike doubles of Ayman Zawahri, although the real homunculus of Ayman Zawahri still exists, along with many others (more than 500 persons!), being thus one of the most horridly tortured people in the world (via the aforementioned methods). In fact, he is not himself anymore, but a sheer instrument.
The Political and Geo-strategic Use of the Ghost Organization of Al Qaeda
The aforementioned brief sketch, which is the only to plainly interpret the parody of theater staged in front of the deceived Mankind over the past two decades, makes clear that the intentions are vicious and indicates that the final target is of disproportionate, exorbitant scale.
This may sound incredible to simple, average people whose only ambition is to survive, but they would make a good present to themselves by remembering that powerful and vast empires (Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Caliphate, Tsarist Russia, Germany, China, Japan, Spain and Ancien Régime France) collapsed due to the same Freemasonic plan providing for Satan's global predominance.
The ghost organization Al Qaeda was geared to
1. Cover the Western regimes' direct effort to bring chaos, discord, wars and ultimate disaster to the Islamic World
2. Confuse the moderate governments of Islamic countries by fully engaging them in a struggle against unknown and more importantly inexistent enemies
3. Enter into indirect war with non moderate governments of Islamic countries (Iran)
4. Generate internal developments through triggered, stage-maneuvered 'incidents' (this was precisely the Alexandria Crime)
5. Feed the Freemasonry-controlled, criminal, mainstream mass media with factoids that through apt and subtle effort of misinformation shape a totally wrong global public opinion about a subject. The Financial Times, a Freemasonic trash, gave a perfect example of filthy, fallacious and criminal journalism, specifying in an absolutely misplaced title that ''Bomb blast in Egypt highlights divisions'' (,dwp_uuid=f39ffd26-4bb2-11da-997b-0000779e2340.html#axzz19ssek6fw). Nothing can be more vicious a statement on this occurrence than this; in fact, the bomb blast in Egypt highlighted Egypt's solid national unity and perseverence. Anger was certainly expressed by some hot-blooded people; but no one accepted that a division exists or can ever be in Egypt.
If an act is perpetrated and is immediately reported and focused-on by a mass media establishment known for its Freemasonic affiliation, one can be sure that it was a matter of stage-maneuvering. More exaggeration is offered in the interpretation, stronger the Freemasonic decision is to stage-manage developments.
When the act is attributed to Al Qaeda, you can be sure that it serves a particular Freemasonic policy. Even worse, if the factoid takes place on a day that has a particular numeric value or bears a symbolic meaning. The New Year's Day - for the Alexandria Crime - highlights the Freemasonic agenda for the year, and indicates that there will be an evil focus placed on the country where the incident takes place. (Noted exaggeration:
The Freemasonic Agenda for North-Eastern Africa and the Middle East
"Totus mundus agit histrionem" ( the whole world is a playhouse ): this motto was displayed above the main entrance of the Globe Theater, a Freemasonic institution in 16th century England. Next to it, the entrance featured the figure of Hercules carrying a globe, an indication of the polytheistic ideas that permeated the paranoid doctrine of the secret society of Crime and Incest: either you call it Freemasonry or Mother of the Harlots, according to the Christian Book of the Revelation, it is the same.
The aforementioned motto was slightly modified and incorporated in the William Shakespeare play As You Like It - "All the world's a stage" which was performed at the Freemasonic theater. William Shakespeare was a Freemason.
Secretively manipulating people and developments, the Freemasons believe that they have entrapped the whole world, turning the outright majority of innocent people into playthings with which they and their pseudo-god, Satan, can do whatever they like. It goes without saying that their ''playthings'' can never have any value for them, either they consist in political parties, international organizations, universities, corporations and states or they are mere human beings. The evilness of utilization automatically eliminates any value of the ''plaything'', revealing therefore the true nature of the Freemasonic priesthood of Satan.
What follows is a general outline of the basic axes of the Freemasonic agenda for the said region.
Islamic radicalization of Turkey, collapse of the secular establishment
Secession of South Sudan
Israeli - US attack against Iran, grave nuclear explosions
Chaos in Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon
Complete destabilization of Egypt
Chaos in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Somalia
Fabrication of an African pro-Israel state incorporating South Sudan, Uganda, and parts of Kenya, geared to receive mass exodus from a destabilized Israel
Generalized war in the Middle East with catastrophic result for Israel, US, NATO and the Middle Eastern states, Damascus destroyed, Israel lethaly destabilized
Balkan wars with Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece siding against Turkey, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo and Bosnia, with detrimental disaster for all
War between Egypt and Sudan against Abyssinia (fake Ethiopia) with detrimental losses for all
Caucasus war with Russia and Armenia siding against Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan and parts of a decomposed Iran
Islamic rebellion throughout Europe with focus in Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Holland and England
Secession of Kurdistan from Turkey, Iraq and Iran, and formation of a unified Kurdistan under supervision of the CIA, the British Intelligence, and the Mossad
Chaos in Europe, destruction of Vatican, rise of a dictatorship throughout Europe
Implosion of Pakistan, secession of Baluchistan, Pachtunistan, war with India
Rise of a Shia state in Arabia and Yemen, and fratricidal wars between Shia and Sunni Muslims throughout the Asiatic part of the Middle East, rise of a Sunni Caliphate at Medina
Extreme natural disasters, HAARP-triggered earthquakes devastate Northeast Africa, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia
Diffusion of manmade diseases in China, India, Africa, Latin Amrica - dozens of millions of dead
Second Middle Eastern war with Russian participation, calamitous result for Israel, and international involvement for final arrangement of peace
Evacuation of Zionist Israelis to Africa (South Sudan - Uganda - Kenya) and relocation of millions of English, French, Belgians and Dutch in the re-mapped area of Palestine; remaining Jews adhere to Extremist, Evangelical ''Christianity''
Because the last point is imperative for the Freemasonic agenda, you hear now the dog of Israeli foreign minister Lieberman saying that ''piece is impossible''.
One may simply ask why all this?
The answer is simple: far more has happened over the past 212 years, ever since Freemason Napoleon landed in Alexandria and propagated the evildoings of the Freemasons in the wider area.
An in-depth analysis may need a vast publication. In reality, the truth is simple, and always accessible to all. They 'key' is the Fremasonic paranoia with theater and stage. One must focus on what the Freemasons have been staging, the core of their play, the frame of the performance.
Extending a similar approach to the developments that took place over the past 250 years in the wider region from Morocco to India, and referring to prophecies written down in ages old holy books and apocalypses, one can conceptualize the evil Freemasonic play very easily: they try to stage-manage ''their own'' events according to what they had earlier read, basically in Daniel and the Revelation, in order to prevent the really prophesied events from happening.
They fabricated states, they baptized them with fake names, in order to create their own End Times' players - in full refutation of what the ancient prophesies heralded. Around Eastern Mediterranean and down to the Horn of Africa, there is a number of fake states whose names reflect only the Freemasonic needs for an apocalyptic, eschatological theatrical drama, not real, indigenous peoples' needs and identities.
Quite unfortunately, the final act will be a totally unforeseen development; and this will conclude the case for the evil Freemasonic organization, and their fake god, the fallen archangel. The cost will be extremely high, but the Mankind will go on; without them, and without their inhuman theater for which so many died and will die.
Picture: A cat for Ayman Zawahri - the supposed terrorist who is merely one of the CIA's many selected Islamists who have been transformed into suitable homunculi. "Cat lifted its hind leg in response to stimulation by an electrode implanted in its brain. The cat, Delgado says, displayed no discomfort in this experiment done in the early 1950s". ( And Ayman Zawahri displays no discomfort in the ongoing practice carried out in the early 2000s.
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