How to Customize the Footer of a Wordpres Blog
- 1). First, you'll need to go into the "Design" tab of your Wordpress blog. This is the area that you will use to modify the template, upload photos for your header and footer, and make any changes to your blog's appearance.
- 2). Next, click on the "theme editor" tab. This area allows you to modify the code of your current theme to suit your needs.
- 3). To modify the footer, click on the "Footer (footer.php) " link in the sidebar. This will open the footer code. The code is written in CSS, which you'll need to know to make any serious modifications.
- 4). You are now free to modify the footer code, using CSS, to suit your needs. If you are using a free theme and your footer contains links to the designer's web site, it's common courtesy to leave them intact so that others can see where you got your theme. If you've purchased your theme, however, you're completely free to modify it as you choose. Include links back to your site, add advertising or pictures--the options are virtually endless.