The Metalsmith Reborn!
To many of you, I probably sound like a broken record because whenever I?m asked about learning to solder or do other types of metal jewelry making, I inevitably tell the person or persons to invest in a copy of Tim McCreight?s book Complete Metalsmith, which I have long considered a valuable reference book. The reason I say this is because that?s exactly what I did when I took my first serious jewelry making class.
In fact, it was a required textbook for the class. Along with a toolbox full of specific tools, I was required to buy and bring this book to class every day. That was many, many years ago, but even now when I have a question about metal, I reach for this tattered old book.
As the years have passed, Tim has updated his popular book, keeping it current and expanding on his already proven methods. He has added more jewelry information to each edition, and now he has gone a step further by expanding and finally creating three separate editions:
1) First there is Complete Metalsmith the Student Edition (retailing for $15): This is much like the first book I bought way back when, but it is slimmer in shape with a sturdier cover, perfect for the toolbox. When compared to my much older edition, it boasts more detailed information and illustrations, plus a section on metal clay, but it still covers much of the important basics such as metal data, tool descriptions, and various metal related methods.
The appendices are also excellent references for quickly looking up things like the weight of sheet or wire, temperature conversions, and melting points.
2) Next is Complete Metalsmith the Professional Edition (retailing for $30): Like the student edition, it is spiral bound, so you can really use this at your bench. However, the cover is a little sturdier and made of fabric, including an elastic band, so you can add your own notes or handouts between the covers. If you teach metal work, this book is designed as a teacher companion for the student edition. If you are just a super-serious metal worker, then you?d probably like the level of detail that is provided in this edition, which is twice as big as the student edition.
3) Finally, there is the Complete Metalsmith ProPlus Edition (retailing for $45): This is a package deal that includes a copy of the Professional Edition of the book as well as a CD that provides an electronic version of the text so that you can read and use the search option on your PC. Tim also includes electronic copies of his books Design Language and also Practical Jewelry Rendering. Besides the electronic books, he has video clips and calculation software for you use.
With these three separate editions, Tim has offered basic and advanced metal information for everyone from the newbie who is afraid to light her torch to the old pro who may even make jewelry for a living. In particular, this range of texts allow for teachers to offer some practical help through a textbook that everyone in class can use, and there?s even a teacher discount available through his publishing website at - You can find more information about books written (and now published) by Tim McCreight on his website as well as and other bookstores that continue to carry his titles.