11 Reasons Why Working From Home Rocks Your World
11 Reasons Why Working From Home Is the "Cat's Meow"
This entry is meant to inspire you and give you clarity. I'm not into hype or even becoming motivated, but I do feel this message is important, so listen up. And it may sound like I'm talking about myself here, but it's really about you. They say the first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem. With that in mind, I'd like to admit something to you. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. So I admit I had a problem.
I am a recovering corporate hoodlum.
There, I said it. And I feel much better. I worked in the corporate world for 10+ years. Every single one of those years I had a desire to leave it. I always had this bad taste in my mouth at the end of the day at being forced to eat what the corporate mongrels thought was best for them. There is nothing noble or freeing about working for someone else.
And I've only recently realized this since I've started working from home full time. Many people say they want to be their own boss. And as you probably know, many people say things... period. As for follow-up? That's a different story. I used to be one of those people until circumstances in my life FORCED me to work from home. And I could not have received a better gift.
Here's what happens when you start working from home. Some of the feelings you get are quite curious. And please note - the list below assumes that you have a steady income coming in from your home-based efforts.
1. You create your own hours. Want to work 8AM to 6PM? Sure. 4PM to 12 midnight? Done. You are no longer on someone else's schedule. There is something tremendously freeing about this. You can watch my related video for a visual explanation of what I mean. But basically, you are no longer being told when you have to come into work, when you can have lunch, go have a smoke, and when you can leave.
2. No more obnoxiously long commute. Whether stuck in traffic, on a train, or freezing in the rain at a bus stop. Your commute is from your bed to the fridge to your home office desk. SO freeing.
3. You are no longer being told what to do and when to do it. No more boss looking over your shoulder to see if you are working or surfing Youtube, no more weekly checklists, irritating phone calls, and tediously boring weekly meetings. When you work from home, YOU get to decide if and when you want any of the above. This, for me, is HUGE.
4. You don't need to dress up in suits, "business casual" or your waiter's outfit. You wear what you want, if anything at all.:) Wanna work in your PJs or a thong? Do it! Try that on Wall Street and watch yourself drop faster than Enron stock on Whistleblower Day.
5. You can take vacations when you want. No longer are you subject to 2 weeks paid vacation, or whatever dog scrap amount of time they give you. You can go to Aruba tomorrow or Austria next week.From a certain point of view, in fact, I'd say that working from home is the ultimate in vacations. When you have been a slave to "the man" for so long, working from home becomes a dream.
6. No more grumpy, unreliable, quirky co-workers or customers you'd rather not deal with every day. Face it, we're all human and hold things against people. Maybe we don't like the way they talk to us. Being talked down to? RARELY happens when you are your own boss. Hate that customer who nags you? YOU can fire them when you work from home.
7. You are no longer dictated what you are worth. If "the man" believes you are worth $30,000 per year, you can make that much per month in a home-based business. You set your own paycheck and fill in as many zeros as you'd like if you have the proper tools, mindset and action plan.
8. Want to take a day off? Do it. Nobody will keep tabs on it. "Oh, I'm sorry, you've used up all your personal days. You have to come in at 8AM on Thursday!" Ha, no more! STUFF IT! You can take a day off when you'd like.
9. Be there for your kids. Being a parent can be daunting but tremendously rewarding. If you have little ones running around and want to be there when they say their first word, working from home is ideal. You can also teach them to be THEIR own bosses one day... wouldn't that be great? Lead by example.
10. You are freer to work on other projects you have going. Corporate doesn't care about your creative side unless it makes them a profit. If you have a creative pursuit, you have more flexibility to explore it when working from home.Me, for example - I'm a pianist and sometimes composer. When I want to take a break, I can go across the room to my piano and start playing. Not possible working for the Man.
11. Getting things accomplished on your own time and with your own resources is tremendously fulfilling. Being your own boss creates this huge sense of self-worth and independence when you are getting your goals.
Now, the interesting thing I noticed was when I first started working from home, a sense of withdrawal overcame me. This wasn't a negative feeling in the least. It was more like my mind was still stuck in the 9-5 mental rut and had to catch up with the new reality of making my own hours and schedule. When you first start working from home full-time, you may have thoughts like "I have to get this done because I have to go to work tomorrow..."
Whoops! No ya don't! You're free of that now.
Furthermore, I noticed that I don't keep track of what day is which. When you are in the corporate world, you are usually on a weekday-weekend schedule. Work 5 days a week, 2 days off for errands and other stuff. That concept also takes a bit of "withdrawal" time to dissolve. It was interesting and unexpected... and very, very nice.
Now, when I think of working for someone else, I literally feel nauseous. You could not pay me $1,000,000,000 per day to be on someone else's schedule or time. Corporate CEOs think they have it made if they are making $40 mill a year, but I say if you aren't your OWN boss, you are a slave, no matter how much you make. Let these realizations sink in and you'll be motivated in no time flat to dig yourself out of the rat race once and for all.
This entry is meant to inspire you and give you clarity. I'm not into hype or even becoming motivated, but I do feel this message is important, so listen up. And it may sound like I'm talking about myself here, but it's really about you. They say the first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem. With that in mind, I'd like to admit something to you. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. So I admit I had a problem.
I am a recovering corporate hoodlum.
There, I said it. And I feel much better. I worked in the corporate world for 10+ years. Every single one of those years I had a desire to leave it. I always had this bad taste in my mouth at the end of the day at being forced to eat what the corporate mongrels thought was best for them. There is nothing noble or freeing about working for someone else.
And I've only recently realized this since I've started working from home full time. Many people say they want to be their own boss. And as you probably know, many people say things... period. As for follow-up? That's a different story. I used to be one of those people until circumstances in my life FORCED me to work from home. And I could not have received a better gift.
Here's what happens when you start working from home. Some of the feelings you get are quite curious. And please note - the list below assumes that you have a steady income coming in from your home-based efforts.
1. You create your own hours. Want to work 8AM to 6PM? Sure. 4PM to 12 midnight? Done. You are no longer on someone else's schedule. There is something tremendously freeing about this. You can watch my related video for a visual explanation of what I mean. But basically, you are no longer being told when you have to come into work, when you can have lunch, go have a smoke, and when you can leave.
2. No more obnoxiously long commute. Whether stuck in traffic, on a train, or freezing in the rain at a bus stop. Your commute is from your bed to the fridge to your home office desk. SO freeing.
3. You are no longer being told what to do and when to do it. No more boss looking over your shoulder to see if you are working or surfing Youtube, no more weekly checklists, irritating phone calls, and tediously boring weekly meetings. When you work from home, YOU get to decide if and when you want any of the above. This, for me, is HUGE.
4. You don't need to dress up in suits, "business casual" or your waiter's outfit. You wear what you want, if anything at all.:) Wanna work in your PJs or a thong? Do it! Try that on Wall Street and watch yourself drop faster than Enron stock on Whistleblower Day.
5. You can take vacations when you want. No longer are you subject to 2 weeks paid vacation, or whatever dog scrap amount of time they give you. You can go to Aruba tomorrow or Austria next week.From a certain point of view, in fact, I'd say that working from home is the ultimate in vacations. When you have been a slave to "the man" for so long, working from home becomes a dream.
6. No more grumpy, unreliable, quirky co-workers or customers you'd rather not deal with every day. Face it, we're all human and hold things against people. Maybe we don't like the way they talk to us. Being talked down to? RARELY happens when you are your own boss. Hate that customer who nags you? YOU can fire them when you work from home.
7. You are no longer dictated what you are worth. If "the man" believes you are worth $30,000 per year, you can make that much per month in a home-based business. You set your own paycheck and fill in as many zeros as you'd like if you have the proper tools, mindset and action plan.
8. Want to take a day off? Do it. Nobody will keep tabs on it. "Oh, I'm sorry, you've used up all your personal days. You have to come in at 8AM on Thursday!" Ha, no more! STUFF IT! You can take a day off when you'd like.
9. Be there for your kids. Being a parent can be daunting but tremendously rewarding. If you have little ones running around and want to be there when they say their first word, working from home is ideal. You can also teach them to be THEIR own bosses one day... wouldn't that be great? Lead by example.
10. You are freer to work on other projects you have going. Corporate doesn't care about your creative side unless it makes them a profit. If you have a creative pursuit, you have more flexibility to explore it when working from home.Me, for example - I'm a pianist and sometimes composer. When I want to take a break, I can go across the room to my piano and start playing. Not possible working for the Man.
11. Getting things accomplished on your own time and with your own resources is tremendously fulfilling. Being your own boss creates this huge sense of self-worth and independence when you are getting your goals.
Now, the interesting thing I noticed was when I first started working from home, a sense of withdrawal overcame me. This wasn't a negative feeling in the least. It was more like my mind was still stuck in the 9-5 mental rut and had to catch up with the new reality of making my own hours and schedule. When you first start working from home full-time, you may have thoughts like "I have to get this done because I have to go to work tomorrow..."
Whoops! No ya don't! You're free of that now.
Furthermore, I noticed that I don't keep track of what day is which. When you are in the corporate world, you are usually on a weekday-weekend schedule. Work 5 days a week, 2 days off for errands and other stuff. That concept also takes a bit of "withdrawal" time to dissolve. It was interesting and unexpected... and very, very nice.
Now, when I think of working for someone else, I literally feel nauseous. You could not pay me $1,000,000,000 per day to be on someone else's schedule or time. Corporate CEOs think they have it made if they are making $40 mill a year, but I say if you aren't your OWN boss, you are a slave, no matter how much you make. Let these realizations sink in and you'll be motivated in no time flat to dig yourself out of the rat race once and for all.