How to Arrange a Photo Sequence in IrfanView
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Download the free program of image by michanolimit from
Go to to download the program. Follow the instructions on the middle right side of the home page. Open the program on your computer; you'll see a black screen with a toolbar at the top. - 2). Click on the "Image" menu. Click on "Create Panorama Image" to open a dialogue box.
- 3). Select the direction of the photo sequence, horizontal or vertical. All images, within a sequence, must be the same direction. Click the "Add Images" button. Locate the photographs on your computer to be placed in sequence. To add several images at once, hold down the control key while selecting files. Click "Open." The photograph file names to be sequenced are now listed within the "Input Image" section of the dialogue box. If you like, click an option to "insert file name onto image," located on the bottom of the box. The file name will appear in green on the top left side of the image.
- 4). Click "Create Image" to finish putting your photos in sequence. Save the new image. Repeat these steps to create additional sequence photos.