Dating Tip For Men - Examples of Arrogance on a Date
In survey after survey women complain that men do not listen.
If that were the only complaint then maybe there would not be so many surveys.
However there is one other grievance that takes its place right along side poor to non existent listening skills.
While some women may be able to deal with lack of paying attention, the arrogance that accompanies it is a little too much for many of them to handle.
"He's a legend in his own mind and God's gift to women" or so the song goes.
Unfortunately in countless dating situations, it is a reality.
Arrogance is a major turnoff to women.
It's not that they want to date someone with the confidence level of a frightened baby mouse but it is no fun going out with a person who conveys in every way they are too good for you.
This comes across in a few ways: 1.
Body Language You are sitting there like one of two people.
The king of Siam and it is indeed an honor for your date to be worthy enough to sit in your presence.
Or the coolest guy in the hemisphere.
If your date has a problem with that well that's her problem.
You are too cool to lose your cool.
Flash The Cash You got a great job, a good business or both.
You naturally want to impress your date but opening your wallet every few minutes or talking about how great the money situation is for you is not going to do it; particularly when you start lauding it over them.
Being glad about your good fortune is one thing, using it as a weapon against your date is another thing entirely.
You Know What You Know Okay there are some things that you understand very well.
You've studied them and have a great passion for certain subjects.
So how dare your date think that she can talk on your level? She should just pipe down and listen as you wax magnificently on whatever it is that you know.
When she does attempt to enter the conversation, you let her know verbally or through body language that her opinion is not welcome.
Be quiet and listen to the maestro.
That's you.
You Know What They Know Your date has several fields of expertise that she articulates quite well.
But your ego just won't let you accept the fact that someone may know more than you.
So you wade into the deep end of the pool and attempt to give her your expert opinion on subjects you know nothing about.
After a mere five seconds it becomes painfully clear you do not have a clue as to what you are talking about but that does not stop you.
No doubt you are not paying attention to your date who at this point is looking at you with a combination of pity, ridicule and anger.
Busy Eyes Your date is trying to make a point and for the most part you have been demonstrating some exemplary listening skills.
That is until the hottie in the clinging black dress walked by.
Besides staring at her with your mouth wide open, you then followed her with your eyes all the way back to her table.
You thought you were being slick about it, but you weren't.
As a matter of fact you didn't even care.
Hey it's not like you and your date are married or engaged right? And not giving your date that respect will ensure you do not get married, engaged or another date with her.
You are supposed to feel good about yourself.
It is also important that you guard against others trying to bring you down because they do not feel so good about themselves.
That does not mean you exaggerate your importance and start building a monument to yourself during the date.
Relax and stay confident but also understand a little humility every now and then doesn't hurt either.
If that were the only complaint then maybe there would not be so many surveys.
However there is one other grievance that takes its place right along side poor to non existent listening skills.
While some women may be able to deal with lack of paying attention, the arrogance that accompanies it is a little too much for many of them to handle.
"He's a legend in his own mind and God's gift to women" or so the song goes.
Unfortunately in countless dating situations, it is a reality.
Arrogance is a major turnoff to women.
It's not that they want to date someone with the confidence level of a frightened baby mouse but it is no fun going out with a person who conveys in every way they are too good for you.
This comes across in a few ways: 1.
Body Language You are sitting there like one of two people.
The king of Siam and it is indeed an honor for your date to be worthy enough to sit in your presence.
Or the coolest guy in the hemisphere.
If your date has a problem with that well that's her problem.
You are too cool to lose your cool.
Flash The Cash You got a great job, a good business or both.
You naturally want to impress your date but opening your wallet every few minutes or talking about how great the money situation is for you is not going to do it; particularly when you start lauding it over them.
Being glad about your good fortune is one thing, using it as a weapon against your date is another thing entirely.
You Know What You Know Okay there are some things that you understand very well.
You've studied them and have a great passion for certain subjects.
So how dare your date think that she can talk on your level? She should just pipe down and listen as you wax magnificently on whatever it is that you know.
When she does attempt to enter the conversation, you let her know verbally or through body language that her opinion is not welcome.
Be quiet and listen to the maestro.
That's you.
You Know What They Know Your date has several fields of expertise that she articulates quite well.
But your ego just won't let you accept the fact that someone may know more than you.
So you wade into the deep end of the pool and attempt to give her your expert opinion on subjects you know nothing about.
After a mere five seconds it becomes painfully clear you do not have a clue as to what you are talking about but that does not stop you.
No doubt you are not paying attention to your date who at this point is looking at you with a combination of pity, ridicule and anger.
Busy Eyes Your date is trying to make a point and for the most part you have been demonstrating some exemplary listening skills.
That is until the hottie in the clinging black dress walked by.
Besides staring at her with your mouth wide open, you then followed her with your eyes all the way back to her table.
You thought you were being slick about it, but you weren't.
As a matter of fact you didn't even care.
Hey it's not like you and your date are married or engaged right? And not giving your date that respect will ensure you do not get married, engaged or another date with her.
You are supposed to feel good about yourself.
It is also important that you guard against others trying to bring you down because they do not feel so good about themselves.
That does not mean you exaggerate your importance and start building a monument to yourself during the date.
Relax and stay confident but also understand a little humility every now and then doesn't hurt either.