Tips on Booking Reservations
- Research the hotel, airfare or restaurant for which you want to make a reservation, in order to determine which booking agency offers the best price and quality. Search Frommer's or Trip Advisor's websites for up-to-date traveler reviews on specific hotels, restaurants and vacation experiences.
- Be flexible about your travel dates and departure times, especially during busy travel seasons, such as holidays and summer. You can reduce airline ticket prices significantly by flying out of a different airport, or by flying out mid-week instead of during the weekend.
- Book your reservations seven to 21 days in advance for the best rates. Book refundable rooms and packages, in case you need to change the travel plans. For international reservations, book three to six months in advance.
- Make your reservations online to avoid waiting on hold for long periods and paying unnecessary travel agent fees. Print out all confirmation numbers and emails to bring with your on your flight or to your hotel.
- Use vouchers or coupon codes when making reservations for further discounts. Review websites such as Retail Me Not and Coupon Cabin for current online codes. Get an additional discount for booking hotels, flights and rental cars together.
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