How to Give People Nicknames
Things You'll Need
1When you meet someone, think of what they remind you of?
Example: Some people come across as really cool, give them a nick name like Sunil-A-Ice for a person named Sunil [Reference from Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby].
Another way of giving a person a nickname is if you catch them doing something awesome or really stupid.
Example: Mr XYZ is real smooth when it comes to talking to women. You can call him 'Mr Smoothy'.
Yet another naming convention is used with people who have really long names or hard to pronounce names. For eg: Aishwarya. Just call her Ash.
Another situation when nicknames come handy. Say you have 2 Gregs. You talk to both of them pretty often. Well if that's the case it's time to do some VERSIONING. How about the first Greg you know remains Greg and the second one becomes Greg 2.0.
Make the nickname popular with other people that know you and this person. However make sure the person who you're nicknaming is ok with this.
Another popular nicknaming scheme is combine their FIRST and LAST NAME.
eg: David Higbee -> Digbee, Adam Wolkov -> AWOL
This list will go on forever...if anyone has any other cool nicknames and the reason why they kept them, leave me a comment here and I'll be sure to add them to my steps and add a kudos for the user. Let's keep them clean though ;).