12 Easy Steps for De-stressing During Menopause
Many women are worrying too much about menopause.
This makes them feel strained already.
Also, there are other things that might add the pressure.
If you feel like being stressed out, try to follow these steps to help you de-stressing: 1.
Life has become visibly more complicated.
Don't feel that you have to do everything and do decide what critically needs to be accomplished.
Think about your values and write down those that really matter to you.
What is most important? Spending time with family? Accumulating great wealth? Achieving powerful influence? Acquiring possessions? Expressing yourself? Learning new ideas? Experiencing adventure and travel? Maintaining excellent health? Socializing with friends? Contributing to the community? You can't do them all.
Cut out activities that aren't consistent with your core values.
Write a list of goals you'd like to achieve.
Focus on doing a few really well, rather than a lot in a mediocre way.
You can't add hours to the day, but you can cut down on activities.
Cut back on television time.
Only watch those shows you decide on beforehand.
Circle them in the television-listing magazine.
Then turn off the television when the program is over.
Cancel extra cable television packages for channels you rarely watch.
Go for broke.
Give up watching television altogether.
Quit organizations that aren't contributing to your advancement, your network or your fun.
Make a plan for the weekend that doesn't involve work.
Plan to spend more time with your family or with people who make positive contributions to your life.
Stop spending time with people who are a drain on your energy or vitality.
Stop checking up on your financial portfolio every day.
Most people invest for the long term.
Checking your results daily adds to stress and might lead to expensive and unnecessary changes.
Make time for yourself.
Set aside time each day to reflect quietly, go for a walk, plan for your future or meditate.
Visit the park instead of the mall.
Consider renting a vacation home rather than buying.
You won't be burdened by time (and money) spent in maintenance.
Also, this allows you to visit a different spot each year.
Plan time for a vacation every year.
Some people claim "I haven't had a vacation in three years" as if it was a badge of courage.
It isn't.
Cut back on your children's planned activities.
If they have to use a time planner to schedule their activities, and you spend all of your time taxiing them around, they're probably too busy.
Live closer to your work so you don't have to drive.
Take a moment each day to be grateful.
If you really manage to follow the steps, soon, you'll feel like a more cheerful person, even though you're experiencing menopause.
This makes them feel strained already.
Also, there are other things that might add the pressure.
If you feel like being stressed out, try to follow these steps to help you de-stressing: 1.
Life has become visibly more complicated.
Don't feel that you have to do everything and do decide what critically needs to be accomplished.
Think about your values and write down those that really matter to you.
What is most important? Spending time with family? Accumulating great wealth? Achieving powerful influence? Acquiring possessions? Expressing yourself? Learning new ideas? Experiencing adventure and travel? Maintaining excellent health? Socializing with friends? Contributing to the community? You can't do them all.
Cut out activities that aren't consistent with your core values.
Write a list of goals you'd like to achieve.
Focus on doing a few really well, rather than a lot in a mediocre way.
You can't add hours to the day, but you can cut down on activities.
Cut back on television time.
Only watch those shows you decide on beforehand.
Circle them in the television-listing magazine.
Then turn off the television when the program is over.
Cancel extra cable television packages for channels you rarely watch.
Go for broke.
Give up watching television altogether.
Quit organizations that aren't contributing to your advancement, your network or your fun.
Make a plan for the weekend that doesn't involve work.
Plan to spend more time with your family or with people who make positive contributions to your life.
Stop spending time with people who are a drain on your energy or vitality.
Stop checking up on your financial portfolio every day.
Most people invest for the long term.
Checking your results daily adds to stress and might lead to expensive and unnecessary changes.
Make time for yourself.
Set aside time each day to reflect quietly, go for a walk, plan for your future or meditate.
Visit the park instead of the mall.
Consider renting a vacation home rather than buying.
You won't be burdened by time (and money) spent in maintenance.
Also, this allows you to visit a different spot each year.
Plan time for a vacation every year.
Some people claim "I haven't had a vacation in three years" as if it was a badge of courage.
It isn't.
Cut back on your children's planned activities.
If they have to use a time planner to schedule their activities, and you spend all of your time taxiing them around, they're probably too busy.
Live closer to your work so you don't have to drive.
Take a moment each day to be grateful.
If you really manage to follow the steps, soon, you'll feel like a more cheerful person, even though you're experiencing menopause.