Water Fasting Facts
As more people are becoming more health conscious about the dangers of chemicals, additives and toxins in general that are entering their bodies, different methods of detoxing the body are being considered. Water Fasting for even ONE day can help you start receiving the benefits of this life-saving practice - as well as give you tangible experience as to how your body reacts while you abstain from solid food. Water fasting can do wonders for your digestive system.
In addition to general internal cleansing of body, water fasting can also aid in loosing body weight. The major source of energy in our body is glucose which is what we get from every single food item that we eat. Glucose is a form of sugar and it is converted into glycogen after the digestion of food. This glycogen is then stored in our body as fat. Water fasting for weight loss is also known as detoxification due to due to it ability to flush out toxins from the body stream. It is done by drinking more water regular while not eating any type of food for many several consecutive days.
Water Fasting is most effective to the average American who consumes hard meats and sugary foods (who could ask you to give that up!?). Fasting will help cleanse the body of the negative effects incurred by these foods. This will allow your body to start with burning off the stored sugars. Next it will focus on all the stored toxins that's been hidden in the body. Then it will work on burning the stored fat. Finally the last stage is when it reaches muscle and "good tissue" which will be used up at the very end.
All through the fasting stage itself, drink 7 to 10 glasses of purified or sanitized water per day. Do not drink tap water as it includes toxins and chemicals, thus defeating the goal of your water fasting. While fasting, get enough amount of sleep and never overexert yourself by carrying out vigorous chores. Many people who decide to do a water fast would choose to do it at a specialised retreat where medical help is at hand and where other therapies that may help are also available.
These retreats will almost always be located in a natural, peaceful setting, so are ideal for the rest that the boy needs during this time. Water fasting is considered very challenging but it can be rewarding as you would feel a total cleansed body. Once you have completed a longer fast, you can maintain your new level of health by using smaller water fasts.
In addition to general internal cleansing of body, water fasting can also aid in loosing body weight. The major source of energy in our body is glucose which is what we get from every single food item that we eat. Glucose is a form of sugar and it is converted into glycogen after the digestion of food. This glycogen is then stored in our body as fat. Water fasting for weight loss is also known as detoxification due to due to it ability to flush out toxins from the body stream. It is done by drinking more water regular while not eating any type of food for many several consecutive days.
Water Fasting is most effective to the average American who consumes hard meats and sugary foods (who could ask you to give that up!?). Fasting will help cleanse the body of the negative effects incurred by these foods. This will allow your body to start with burning off the stored sugars. Next it will focus on all the stored toxins that's been hidden in the body. Then it will work on burning the stored fat. Finally the last stage is when it reaches muscle and "good tissue" which will be used up at the very end.
All through the fasting stage itself, drink 7 to 10 glasses of purified or sanitized water per day. Do not drink tap water as it includes toxins and chemicals, thus defeating the goal of your water fasting. While fasting, get enough amount of sleep and never overexert yourself by carrying out vigorous chores. Many people who decide to do a water fast would choose to do it at a specialised retreat where medical help is at hand and where other therapies that may help are also available.
These retreats will almost always be located in a natural, peaceful setting, so are ideal for the rest that the boy needs during this time. Water fasting is considered very challenging but it can be rewarding as you would feel a total cleansed body. Once you have completed a longer fast, you can maintain your new level of health by using smaller water fasts.