How to Hook Up Kicker CVR Speakers
- 1). Strip the ends off of the speaker wire. Make sure that about a half-inch of wire is exposed.
- 2). Connect one section of speaker wire to the Kicker CVR Speaker. Connect the other end of that wire to the side of the terminal cup that is located inside the subwoofer box. Make sure that the positive ends of the speaker wire are connected to positive terminals, while the negative ends are connected to negative terminals.
- 3). Secure the subwoofer onto the subwoofer box using screws. Make sure that the speaker wire is placed into the box so that it wont be pinched between the subwoofer and the subwoofer box.
- 4). Connect the second speaker wire to the back of the terminal cup (located on the back of the subwoofer box) and to the speaker terminals on the amplifier. Once again, make sure that the positive and negative wires are connected to the correct terminals.