iPhone Audio Conferencing Apps Blaze New Productivity Trails
Unscheduled calls that were impossible before, are now possible
Legal | Project Management | Emergency Services | Non-Profits | Government
New iPhone audio conferencing apps have introduced Call Now! group calling. This feature dispenses with the hassle and expense of setting up a conventional conference all by eliminating the need to schedule a call, send out dial-in numbers and PINs, wait for stragglers, etc. With iPhone Call now! you simply select the people you want on the conference call and tap Call Now! Your participants are called instantly. No PINs. No waiting. Early users are already reporting the benefits.
One of the country's leading patent infringement litigators needed to prepare strategy with his litigation team on a big case over the weekend recently. The paralegals who normally set up such conference calls were not available and the partners needed to talk right away. The partner - one of the firm's most successful patent litigation attorneys - simply selected the participants from his iPhone Contacts and tapped Call Now! Instantly all his senior people were on the conference call. No PINs. No waiting. No delay. No administrative expense to have to bill back to the client. This partner did this four times during that weekend. He reported that Call Now! group call made the whole team more productive and saved much cost normally associated with administering such calls.
Project Management
A project team with members spread out around the country had a problem that needed their best thinkers right away. The project manager was catching a flight at LAX. She simply scrolled through her iPhone Contacts, selected who she wanted on the conference all and tapped Call Now! The team brainstormed for 15 minutes and the solution emerged from the North Carolina team while she was walking to her gate. No scheduling hassle. No PINs.
Emergency Services
First responders never know in advance exactly what resources they will need for an emergency event. With Call Now! group call a first responder only needed to make sure his iPhone Contacts telephone numbers are current. Then, when an event occurred recently, he simply scrolled through his iPhone Contacts, picked the right resource people and tapped Call Now! Those people were on the call instantly. They solved the problem in less than 10 minutes. No waiting. No scheduling delays. No PINs.
Volunteer resources are the lifeblood of a non-profit. Generally, it is easier to get a volunteer to answer a quick question on the phone rather than try and get them to consume whole evenings in scheduled meetings. Call Now! enabled a non-profit manager to better muster her volunteer resources on an urgent issue rapidly. Four quick, 15-minute Call Now! conference calls over the span of two days mustered thousands of dollars of donations to help a family in need. This church leader needed to organize a care-giver committee to help a family whose children were injured in an accident. The chairperson selected the people she thought were best suited for this task from her iPhone Contacts and tapped Call Now! Over the course of the two days, everything was arranged. No scheduling hassle. No PINs. Timely, caring response.
Government services agencies must organize "on the fly" conference calls regularly. Typically organizing these calls falls on an administrative person who spends hours phone calling and emailing to arrange the conference call. Recently an administrator was tasked to get a group of 15 people on a conference call from around the state. With Call Now! these people were speaking within 3 minutes. Within 15 minutes the tasks were delegated. In the "old days" this conference call would have not occurred for at least 24 hours. No scheduling hassle. No PINs. Better, more responsive government.
iPhone's Call Now! Audio Conferencing Makes the Impossible Possible
"On the fly" audio conferencing was not possible with conventional conference calling. With Call Now! group calls iPhone users turn their iPhones into mobile communications centers in two easy steps: (1) select, (2) tap Call Now!
To learn more, Google "Web 2.0 audio conferencing".
© Copyright 2010. Leader Phone® and Michael McKibben. All Rights Reserved.
Michael McKibben is Founder & Chairman of Leader Technologies®, supplier of Leader Phone® audio conferencing services. Leader's teleconferencing innovations include patent pending Web 2.0 technologies including Leader Phone® iPhone Audio Conferencing App with Call Now! Leader Phone® was first introduced in 2001 and has customers in most industry sectors as well as education and government. After Hurricane Katrina, the State of Louisiana relied upon Leader Phone® as the only
working communication system available to first responders for life saving and disaster recovery.
Google Search Phrase: "Web 2.0 Audio Conferencing"
Legal | Project Management | Emergency Services | Non-Profits | Government
New iPhone audio conferencing apps have introduced Call Now! group calling. This feature dispenses with the hassle and expense of setting up a conventional conference all by eliminating the need to schedule a call, send out dial-in numbers and PINs, wait for stragglers, etc. With iPhone Call now! you simply select the people you want on the conference call and tap Call Now! Your participants are called instantly. No PINs. No waiting. Early users are already reporting the benefits.
One of the country's leading patent infringement litigators needed to prepare strategy with his litigation team on a big case over the weekend recently. The paralegals who normally set up such conference calls were not available and the partners needed to talk right away. The partner - one of the firm's most successful patent litigation attorneys - simply selected the participants from his iPhone Contacts and tapped Call Now! Instantly all his senior people were on the conference call. No PINs. No waiting. No delay. No administrative expense to have to bill back to the client. This partner did this four times during that weekend. He reported that Call Now! group call made the whole team more productive and saved much cost normally associated with administering such calls.
Project Management
A project team with members spread out around the country had a problem that needed their best thinkers right away. The project manager was catching a flight at LAX. She simply scrolled through her iPhone Contacts, selected who she wanted on the conference all and tapped Call Now! The team brainstormed for 15 minutes and the solution emerged from the North Carolina team while she was walking to her gate. No scheduling hassle. No PINs.
Emergency Services
First responders never know in advance exactly what resources they will need for an emergency event. With Call Now! group call a first responder only needed to make sure his iPhone Contacts telephone numbers are current. Then, when an event occurred recently, he simply scrolled through his iPhone Contacts, picked the right resource people and tapped Call Now! Those people were on the call instantly. They solved the problem in less than 10 minutes. No waiting. No scheduling delays. No PINs.
Volunteer resources are the lifeblood of a non-profit. Generally, it is easier to get a volunteer to answer a quick question on the phone rather than try and get them to consume whole evenings in scheduled meetings. Call Now! enabled a non-profit manager to better muster her volunteer resources on an urgent issue rapidly. Four quick, 15-minute Call Now! conference calls over the span of two days mustered thousands of dollars of donations to help a family in need. This church leader needed to organize a care-giver committee to help a family whose children were injured in an accident. The chairperson selected the people she thought were best suited for this task from her iPhone Contacts and tapped Call Now! Over the course of the two days, everything was arranged. No scheduling hassle. No PINs. Timely, caring response.
Government services agencies must organize "on the fly" conference calls regularly. Typically organizing these calls falls on an administrative person who spends hours phone calling and emailing to arrange the conference call. Recently an administrator was tasked to get a group of 15 people on a conference call from around the state. With Call Now! these people were speaking within 3 minutes. Within 15 minutes the tasks were delegated. In the "old days" this conference call would have not occurred for at least 24 hours. No scheduling hassle. No PINs. Better, more responsive government.
iPhone's Call Now! Audio Conferencing Makes the Impossible Possible
"On the fly" audio conferencing was not possible with conventional conference calling. With Call Now! group calls iPhone users turn their iPhones into mobile communications centers in two easy steps: (1) select, (2) tap Call Now!
To learn more, Google "Web 2.0 audio conferencing".
© Copyright 2010. Leader Phone® and Michael McKibben. All Rights Reserved.
Michael McKibben is Founder & Chairman of Leader Technologies®, supplier of Leader Phone® audio conferencing services. Leader's teleconferencing innovations include patent pending Web 2.0 technologies including Leader Phone® iPhone Audio Conferencing App with Call Now! Leader Phone® was first introduced in 2001 and has customers in most industry sectors as well as education and government. After Hurricane Katrina, the State of Louisiana relied upon Leader Phone® as the only
working communication system available to first responders for life saving and disaster recovery.
Google Search Phrase: "Web 2.0 Audio Conferencing"