What Herbs Speed Up Metabolism
- Cayenne (red peppers, chili peppers) is a thermogenic herb (see Thermogenesis in Resources) containing capsaicin, a chemical that generates a significant increase in metabolic rate through heat production.
- By stimulating the glands that control metabolism, ginseng increases metabolic speed to assist athletes participating in endurance sports to maintain higher energy levels for longer periods thereby enhancing their performance (see Resources).
- The antioxidants and caffeine found in green tea create a thermogenic effect that stimulates metabolism. Green tea retains its ability to increase metabolic functioning even when the caffeine has been removed (see Resources).
- In addition to being an anti-inflammatory, nettle has thermogenic properties that stimulate metabolic rate by causing an increase in thyroid function (see Resources).
- The antioxidant properties in oregano, rosemary, sage, peppermint and thyme contribute to an increase in metabolic functioning, while cardamom and dandelion increase the metabolic rate through thermogenesis.
Green Tea
Additional Antioxidant and Thermogenic Herbs