5 Ways to Get Rid of Brown Age Spots
Brown age spots are indication that the health of your skin is fast declining in functions.
When this happens, other signs of skin aging tend to develop.
But while brown spots are there and still developing, you can still do something about it.
The cause of those spots is too much sunlight exposure.
Some of us spend hours at the beach for tanning sessions without much thought to sun damage.
UV rays attack our dermis functions and weaken it.
You might not see the effects when you were younger but as the dermis functions slowly deteriorate, it starts to manifest the effects, thus the appearance of brown age spots.
There are new natural and invasive methods available in order to get rid of these spots.
It is up to you to choose one that is the most effective for you.
But for starters, you can try the following ways to beautifying your skin: 1.
Try applying lemon juice on the affected areas.
Do this only at night.
Juice one lemon and apply it on the spotted areas.
Leave it there for 30 minutes and then wash it off.
Immediately apply moisturizer after.
The juice of lemon is a natural bleaching agent and it can also help soften dry and flaky dermis.
Mash avocado and apply it on the affected area.
Avocado contains natural elements that can get rid of age spots.
It targets the spots specifically and removes them slowly.
If you are sporting sun burns on your dermis, you can also try chilling one avocado and then mashing up its meat and applying it on the sun burned area for a refreshing effect.
Try to exfoliate two times a week.
The surface of your dermis collects all sorts of whatnots including dead skin cells, bacteria, sebum, dirt and grease.
If you do not get rid of these, the moisturizer you are putting will not take effect.
So try using natural scrubs such as brown sugar with olive oil or brown sugar with honey.
These should also provide a super moisturizing effect.
Make sure you use a natural moisturizer with good ingredients.
Choose the ingredients carefully.
Manuka honey and Extrapone Nutgrass are some ideal ingredients to follow.
These can help reduce dark pigmentations significantly and prevent more from coming back.
Even experts have to agree that their potencies are a tad better than others.
Eat right.
Eating lots of fruits and vegetables can ward off and even slow down the signs of skin aging.
Make sure you eat lots of green leafy vegetables as these are replete with antioxidants.
When this happens, other signs of skin aging tend to develop.
But while brown spots are there and still developing, you can still do something about it.
The cause of those spots is too much sunlight exposure.
Some of us spend hours at the beach for tanning sessions without much thought to sun damage.
UV rays attack our dermis functions and weaken it.
You might not see the effects when you were younger but as the dermis functions slowly deteriorate, it starts to manifest the effects, thus the appearance of brown age spots.
There are new natural and invasive methods available in order to get rid of these spots.
It is up to you to choose one that is the most effective for you.
But for starters, you can try the following ways to beautifying your skin: 1.
Try applying lemon juice on the affected areas.
Do this only at night.
Juice one lemon and apply it on the spotted areas.
Leave it there for 30 minutes and then wash it off.
Immediately apply moisturizer after.
The juice of lemon is a natural bleaching agent and it can also help soften dry and flaky dermis.
Mash avocado and apply it on the affected area.
Avocado contains natural elements that can get rid of age spots.
It targets the spots specifically and removes them slowly.
If you are sporting sun burns on your dermis, you can also try chilling one avocado and then mashing up its meat and applying it on the sun burned area for a refreshing effect.
Try to exfoliate two times a week.
The surface of your dermis collects all sorts of whatnots including dead skin cells, bacteria, sebum, dirt and grease.
If you do not get rid of these, the moisturizer you are putting will not take effect.
So try using natural scrubs such as brown sugar with olive oil or brown sugar with honey.
These should also provide a super moisturizing effect.
Make sure you use a natural moisturizer with good ingredients.
Choose the ingredients carefully.
Manuka honey and Extrapone Nutgrass are some ideal ingredients to follow.
These can help reduce dark pigmentations significantly and prevent more from coming back.
Even experts have to agree that their potencies are a tad better than others.
Eat right.
Eating lots of fruits and vegetables can ward off and even slow down the signs of skin aging.
Make sure you eat lots of green leafy vegetables as these are replete with antioxidants.