How to Get Rid of Zits Fast!
Well, how do we prevent them and then how do we get rid of them once they occur? Getting Zits are just one of those facts of life that seem to confront most of us and it can have serious repercussions physical and emotional.
However, it does not have to be such a problem if we just follow some simple steps.
Let's explore further...
Zits occur when hair follicles become clogged by dead skin cells which then leads to infection.
More precisely, it is caused by overactive sebaceous glands that produce an abundance of sebum (oil) and excessive keratinocyte production (skin cells).
Infected pores gather pus which then shows as an angry looking head on the surface of the skin.
It can occur anywhere on the body and is most commonly found on the face, back, and chest.
Zits begin to emerge in the early teenage years at the onset of puberty and can be seen through the adult life.
Some people are more prone to the affliction due to heredity, dietary habits, skin type and general hygiene.
Sufferers often feel frustrated and self conscious while undergoing treatment to get the severity of their condition under control.
Flare ups can occur in any part of the body but they are most commonly seen in the face since the facial skin is most sensitive.
Unfortunately, this is where they are most easily seen by others.
The term Zits is actually slang.
The accurate term is acne.
Acne can be found in many different forms: -Acne Vulgaris is the most common type of the skin condition that people suffer from.
Acne Vulgaris is an inflammatory disease of the skin, caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland).
-Acne fulminans, sometimes referred to as acne maligna, is a rare and extreme form of acne conglobata and almost always infects males.
-Acne medicamentosa is caused by reactions to medicine or drugs.
-Acne rosacea is not true acne, but rather an inflammation of the face, neck or chest that results in red, bumpy and oily skin.
Scaring can be devastating at any age.
Acne is not caused by poor hygiene.
In fact, people with sensitive skin who wash skin hard and frequently often find that it makes it worse.
Extra-sensitive skin can also be more prone to getting zits because of reactions to skin-care products, diet, and hormone fluctuations.
So how do we prevent zits and how can we get rid of zits fast when they do occur? Let's deal with the myths first.
Firstly, zits are not caused by dirty skin.
Washing often and the use of expensive cleansers will not fix the problem.
Zits are not caused by bacteria! Furthermore, antibiotic treatments for bacteria are therefore often found to be ineffective.
Zits are not caused by excess sebum! Sebum will accumulate with the onset of zits but it is not the cause.
So how can you prevent them and how to get rid of zits fast? There is a formula which I have found to work well for me.
It is not my formula but one that is readily available online.
The formula really works and it involves avoiding certain foods, taking a proven dietary supplement and five foods to include in your diet.
By following this formula step by step, I was able to get rid of my zits in 7 days.
In summary, zits are common, particularly during adolescent years and affects most of us.
We all dread a breakout and have tried many different ways to avoid and get rid of zits.
Now there is a proven formula available online that if you follow step-by-step, will give you guaranteed results.
However, it does not have to be such a problem if we just follow some simple steps.
Let's explore further...
Zits occur when hair follicles become clogged by dead skin cells which then leads to infection.
More precisely, it is caused by overactive sebaceous glands that produce an abundance of sebum (oil) and excessive keratinocyte production (skin cells).
Infected pores gather pus which then shows as an angry looking head on the surface of the skin.
It can occur anywhere on the body and is most commonly found on the face, back, and chest.
Zits begin to emerge in the early teenage years at the onset of puberty and can be seen through the adult life.
Some people are more prone to the affliction due to heredity, dietary habits, skin type and general hygiene.
Sufferers often feel frustrated and self conscious while undergoing treatment to get the severity of their condition under control.
Flare ups can occur in any part of the body but they are most commonly seen in the face since the facial skin is most sensitive.
Unfortunately, this is where they are most easily seen by others.
The term Zits is actually slang.
The accurate term is acne.
Acne can be found in many different forms: -Acne Vulgaris is the most common type of the skin condition that people suffer from.
Acne Vulgaris is an inflammatory disease of the skin, caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland).
-Acne fulminans, sometimes referred to as acne maligna, is a rare and extreme form of acne conglobata and almost always infects males.
-Acne medicamentosa is caused by reactions to medicine or drugs.
-Acne rosacea is not true acne, but rather an inflammation of the face, neck or chest that results in red, bumpy and oily skin.
Scaring can be devastating at any age.
Acne is not caused by poor hygiene.
In fact, people with sensitive skin who wash skin hard and frequently often find that it makes it worse.
Extra-sensitive skin can also be more prone to getting zits because of reactions to skin-care products, diet, and hormone fluctuations.
So how do we prevent zits and how can we get rid of zits fast when they do occur? Let's deal with the myths first.
Firstly, zits are not caused by dirty skin.
Washing often and the use of expensive cleansers will not fix the problem.
Zits are not caused by bacteria! Furthermore, antibiotic treatments for bacteria are therefore often found to be ineffective.
Zits are not caused by excess sebum! Sebum will accumulate with the onset of zits but it is not the cause.
So how can you prevent them and how to get rid of zits fast? There is a formula which I have found to work well for me.
It is not my formula but one that is readily available online.
The formula really works and it involves avoiding certain foods, taking a proven dietary supplement and five foods to include in your diet.
By following this formula step by step, I was able to get rid of my zits in 7 days.
In summary, zits are common, particularly during adolescent years and affects most of us.
We all dread a breakout and have tried many different ways to avoid and get rid of zits.
Now there is a proven formula available online that if you follow step-by-step, will give you guaranteed results.