Letting Yourself Down
As you know I always use my own life as inspiration for my musings to you, so as stuff comes up for me, I ask you the same thing...
Do you ever feel as though you are letting yourself down? You say you'll do something and then just let it slip off the radar? For e.
g 1.
Wash Mitsy the poodle but land up leaving her scruffy all weekend 2.
Promise to call someone - you say...
oh Kate we MUST catch up for coffee 3.
Commit to start a new programme and then let it fizzle out in two days 4.
Promise to write that important article/ letter but keep putting it last 5.
Know you have several appointments outstanding but never get around to the dentist or medical check 6.
Decided your will needs changing but just don't make the call to alter it 7.
Decide to cut out wine in the week...
until Monday evening 8.
Say X...
then you somehow let yourself off the hook and just say it doesn't matter and do Y.
Whilst we are all be busy in the crazy world of ours, this concept boils down to your PERSONAL integrity and whether or not you take yourself seriously, and have self-respect.
If you feel that others often let you down, break commitments and generally mess you around, start looking at yourself and if this is the kind of thing you do to YOURSELF? The solution: If you say you are going to do something, then do it.
It's a mental choice.
What would it take for you to become someone whom YOU admire and respect? If you don't do it, then how can anyone else? If you would like to become one of those people who when you say you are going to do something, that you do it, Ask yourself one question- Have I made commitments to myself /others that I am not honouring and how does this make me honestly feel? Make a list of where you are out of personal integrity with yourself (and others if appropriate) and face the list.
Pick one area that is weighing heavy on your heart and resolve to do it today.
What I know for sure: As you start trusting yourself to honour your own word, it will undoubtedly boost your self-esteem and your energy levels by knowing that your word means everything.
The kick you will get out of being true to what you say will make you walk with a bounce.
Do not let other things take priority and get in the way.
Resolve to be true to your word- just like my beautiful 'Tiger' kitty called Stripey - he sure knows how to be TRUE to himself!
Do you ever feel as though you are letting yourself down? You say you'll do something and then just let it slip off the radar? For e.
g 1.
Wash Mitsy the poodle but land up leaving her scruffy all weekend 2.
Promise to call someone - you say...
oh Kate we MUST catch up for coffee 3.
Commit to start a new programme and then let it fizzle out in two days 4.
Promise to write that important article/ letter but keep putting it last 5.
Know you have several appointments outstanding but never get around to the dentist or medical check 6.
Decided your will needs changing but just don't make the call to alter it 7.
Decide to cut out wine in the week...
until Monday evening 8.
Say X...
then you somehow let yourself off the hook and just say it doesn't matter and do Y.
Whilst we are all be busy in the crazy world of ours, this concept boils down to your PERSONAL integrity and whether or not you take yourself seriously, and have self-respect.
If you feel that others often let you down, break commitments and generally mess you around, start looking at yourself and if this is the kind of thing you do to YOURSELF? The solution: If you say you are going to do something, then do it.
It's a mental choice.
What would it take for you to become someone whom YOU admire and respect? If you don't do it, then how can anyone else? If you would like to become one of those people who when you say you are going to do something, that you do it, Ask yourself one question- Have I made commitments to myself /others that I am not honouring and how does this make me honestly feel? Make a list of where you are out of personal integrity with yourself (and others if appropriate) and face the list.
Pick one area that is weighing heavy on your heart and resolve to do it today.
What I know for sure: As you start trusting yourself to honour your own word, it will undoubtedly boost your self-esteem and your energy levels by knowing that your word means everything.
The kick you will get out of being true to what you say will make you walk with a bounce.
Do not let other things take priority and get in the way.
Resolve to be true to your word- just like my beautiful 'Tiger' kitty called Stripey - he sure knows how to be TRUE to himself!