How to Moisturize Extremely Dry Hair
- 1
Cut open avocado and remove seed. Take out green part of the avocado and place in blender. Poor enough olive oil to make mixture smooth. Add coconut oil. Then blend until it is soft. - 2). Dampen hair and saturate blended mixture all over hair. Place a plastic cap on head. Leave in overnight for best results and wrap a towel around the plastic cap. Put an extra towel over your pillow so that it will not get on your pillow sheets. Save what is left over. Put in a container and refrigerate it.
- 3). When you wake up in the morning use a moisturizing shampoo and condition the hair. If your hair is damaged and dry it is best to just rinse and use a conditioner only to wash hair, because shampoo can strip your hair of it's natural oils depending on how healthy it is. Using shampoo once a month is good. Just use conditioner to wash hair until hair is healthy enough for the the normal routine. If you don't want to do that shampoo your hair and use a good leave-in conditioner.