Natural Resources Found in Hawaii
- Hawaii is famous for its volcanoes. The largest dormant volcano crater on earth is Haleakala on the Island of Maui. The crater is as large as the island of Manhattan, New York, according to Hawaii's official tourism website. Maui has been nicknamed the "Valley Island" because there is a large valley in the middle of two volcanic mountains, one of which is Haleakala. Hawaii is home to active volcanoes as well. On the Big Island of Hawaii there are active volcanos, Kiluea and Mauna Loa.
- The largest sea mountain in the world is Mauna Kea which is also on Hawaii. This mountain extends 13,796 feet above sea level. If, however, you measure from the base at the bottom of the ocean, it is 33,000 feet high. Because it is so high, the air is thin, clear, and the location is so remote, this mountain is frequently used for stargazing.
- The beaches, oceans, reefs, and harbors are other natural resources found in Hawaii. The sea water is clear blue and so transparent that you can take glass bottom boats over a reef and easily watch the tropical fish dart in and out of the coral. Sun bathing and surfing on Waikiki Beach on the Island of Oahu is a popular tourist attraction, now threatened by the eroding sand. The tallest sea cliffs in the world are located on the Island of Hawaii. Even Pearl Harbor is a natural harbor on Oahu that was made more famous when it was attacked by Japan to force the United States to become involved in World War II.
- Ocean life is another natural resource in Hawaii. From Makapuu Point on Oahu, you can visit the oceanarium to see whales and porpoises in their natural habitat. So many whales frequent the oceans off Maui between November and May that the island hosts an annual Maui Whale Festival. In addition, deep sea fishing takes advantage of the natural resource of tuna and other game fish in the waters off of these islands.
- The climate, the volcanic soil, and the large amount of rainfall on Hawaii are natural resources that permit Hawaii's agriculture, including sugar cane, pineapple and coffee plantations, to thrive. (The largest average annual rainfall on earth, 460 inches, occurs on Mount Waialeale on the Island of Kauai.) The Dole Pineapple company has the exclusive use of the island of Lanai. Tropical flowers are grown commercially on Hilo Island and there are cattle ranches on the Island of Hawaii.