Amesbury Orthodontics Offer High End Orthodontist Treatment Options
If you are unhappy by the looks of your teeth and they are crooked, then come to Amesbury Orthodontist or visit your family dentist who will refer you to an orthodontist.
The orthodontist is the specialist dealing with the correction of crooked teeth or mal-aligned teeth. What he does is to align your teeth in the desired manner in the dental arch and solve your problems related to aesthetics and facial beauty.
In the beginning, the doctor assesses the problem. The grade of malocclusion, bite assessment and facial deformity are first analysed. Also the expectations of the patient after treatment and the time involved must be discussed in detail. The cost of the treatment is a very important factor. Now many materials and techniques and devices are offered and these have various costs, so this factor should be discussed beforehand.
During the course of treatment the orthodontist uses brackets to align the teeth. These brackets put force on teeth; they are used to either push or pull the teeth in the right position. The wires which are used to put pressure on teeth are made of metal alloys. When the movement of the teeth occurs, the underlying bone also remodels. The remodelling process of the bone facilitates new bone formation around the teeth. New alveolar casing forms which grows around the teeth that are now moving in different direction and into a new position. The periodontal ligament of the gums stretches and encloses the teeth. Mild pain and pressure may be felt during the time the wires are tightened. But it is temporary and not very problematic.
The movement of the teeth is performed in a controlled and small amount of force and pressure are applied over a period of some months. The movement can be as less as a millimetre in a month. All this process makes the treatment long. When doing rapid movements the bone and teeth become weak.
Brackets in the market are of various types. They are either traditional metal, or plastic, gold or titanium. They are placed on the facial surface of teeth or on the palate side or tongue side of the teeth. The ones on the palatal or the tongue side are invisible and so are non noticeable.
During treatment the visit to the orthodontist is either once or twice a month. Therefore there are many visits in a year or so till the time the treatment is going on. The orthodontist tightens the wires, puts or removes braces etc. Teeth are also cleaned on few appointments to remove the deposits as the braces hinder now hygiene procedures. The doctors usually advise to give up sticky foods like jams and jellies, chewing gum, chips, chocolates etc. These foods stick to the braces and cause inflammation in the gums. Keeping the teeth clean at the time of is important. Special types of brushes are also prescribed by the orthodontist.
The orthodontist is the specialist dealing with the correction of crooked teeth or mal-aligned teeth. What he does is to align your teeth in the desired manner in the dental arch and solve your problems related to aesthetics and facial beauty.
In the beginning, the doctor assesses the problem. The grade of malocclusion, bite assessment and facial deformity are first analysed. Also the expectations of the patient after treatment and the time involved must be discussed in detail. The cost of the treatment is a very important factor. Now many materials and techniques and devices are offered and these have various costs, so this factor should be discussed beforehand.
During the course of treatment the orthodontist uses brackets to align the teeth. These brackets put force on teeth; they are used to either push or pull the teeth in the right position. The wires which are used to put pressure on teeth are made of metal alloys. When the movement of the teeth occurs, the underlying bone also remodels. The remodelling process of the bone facilitates new bone formation around the teeth. New alveolar casing forms which grows around the teeth that are now moving in different direction and into a new position. The periodontal ligament of the gums stretches and encloses the teeth. Mild pain and pressure may be felt during the time the wires are tightened. But it is temporary and not very problematic.
The movement of the teeth is performed in a controlled and small amount of force and pressure are applied over a period of some months. The movement can be as less as a millimetre in a month. All this process makes the treatment long. When doing rapid movements the bone and teeth become weak.
Brackets in the market are of various types. They are either traditional metal, or plastic, gold or titanium. They are placed on the facial surface of teeth or on the palate side or tongue side of the teeth. The ones on the palatal or the tongue side are invisible and so are non noticeable.
During treatment the visit to the orthodontist is either once or twice a month. Therefore there are many visits in a year or so till the time the treatment is going on. The orthodontist tightens the wires, puts or removes braces etc. Teeth are also cleaned on few appointments to remove the deposits as the braces hinder now hygiene procedures. The doctors usually advise to give up sticky foods like jams and jellies, chewing gum, chips, chocolates etc. These foods stick to the braces and cause inflammation in the gums. Keeping the teeth clean at the time of is important. Special types of brushes are also prescribed by the orthodontist.