Ways to Prevent Asthma
If you know that you or your family member has asthma you should know what sets the asthma off.
Sometimes avoiding these things can prevent asthma attacks for starting.
Just by following these few steps can cut back on your asthma from flaring up.
Place dust free covers on pillows and mattresses to cut back on allergies kicking in while sleeping.
Purchase vent filters for each vent in your home.
It will cut back on air borne particles that can get asthma irritated.
If you can't get the whole home at least get the room the asthma patient sleeps in.
If you have carpet in your home it will help tremendously if you replace it with hard wood floors or vinyl flooring.
Again if it is not possible to do the whole house at least do the asthma patients room.
It is a good idea to have a nebulizer at home with steroid medication and having an inhaler with the asthma patient at all times 5.
Talk to your doctor about putting you on an everyday asthma prevention medication.
Some popular brands that are out there are: Singular, Allegra, and Zyrtec.
These are just a few that you can ask your doctor about.
Most important is having an Asthma Action Plan just in case the asthma was to get out of hand by something that you are not aware of.
A plan of action allows you to know exactly what to do.
It will cut back on panic modes.
These are just a few things that you can do to help prevent your asthma from getting out of hand.
These few steps have saved my family a few emergency room visits.
These are from my experience only.
You should contact your doctor for the right plan for you and your family.
Sometimes avoiding these things can prevent asthma attacks for starting.
Just by following these few steps can cut back on your asthma from flaring up.
Place dust free covers on pillows and mattresses to cut back on allergies kicking in while sleeping.
Purchase vent filters for each vent in your home.
It will cut back on air borne particles that can get asthma irritated.
If you can't get the whole home at least get the room the asthma patient sleeps in.
If you have carpet in your home it will help tremendously if you replace it with hard wood floors or vinyl flooring.
Again if it is not possible to do the whole house at least do the asthma patients room.
It is a good idea to have a nebulizer at home with steroid medication and having an inhaler with the asthma patient at all times 5.
Talk to your doctor about putting you on an everyday asthma prevention medication.
Some popular brands that are out there are: Singular, Allegra, and Zyrtec.
These are just a few that you can ask your doctor about.
Most important is having an Asthma Action Plan just in case the asthma was to get out of hand by something that you are not aware of.
A plan of action allows you to know exactly what to do.
It will cut back on panic modes.
These are just a few things that you can do to help prevent your asthma from getting out of hand.
These few steps have saved my family a few emergency room visits.
These are from my experience only.
You should contact your doctor for the right plan for you and your family.