What Is in the Top of a U.S. Military Helmet?
- Modern helmets require a support feature to secure the helmet to the head without causing injury to the scalp or skull of the wearer. Modern helmets include a nylon support structure that is held to the helmet with screws.
- As in a football player's helmet, a nylon chin strap secures the helmet to the head. This strap can be upgraded to leather straps, but those are more expensive for the unit or the wearer directly. Additionally, a head band around the front of interior webbing allows some protection from scraping or rubbing the forehead against the Kevlar helmet.
- The comfort donut is a round foam pad that fits in the helmet and keeps the scalp of the wearer from making contact with the helmet. This added piece is not automatically included with the helmet, but many units will buy them.
- This top view of a Kevlar helmet shows the coloring of the actual helmet.bullet-proof helmet image by Vladimir Melnik from Fotolia.com
The helmet is colored olive drab. This color is not especially suited for concealment or camouflage, but a number of cloth covers are available in several patterns. Additionally, a reflective or glow-in-the-dark band is often worn around the helmet for nighttime operations. - A myriad of connectors are also available for attaching various equipment to the helmet. Items such as in-ear communication systems, night-vision goggles and head lamps may be attached directly to the helmet or integrated with the headband.
- Many personnel choose to keep various personal effects in their helmet. Some soldiers have taped or glued pictures of family or loved ones inside the helmet, between the support straps and the helmet, while others affix various trinkets inside the helmet. It is also common to see personal messages written inside the helmet or on the helmet covering.
Nylon Mesh Webbing
Chin Strap and Head Band
Comfort Donut
Additional Connectors
Personal Effects