How to Care for Growing Peace Lilies
- 1). Select a location for the peace lily in your home that does not receive any direct sunlight and has a moderate room temperature. Peace lilies thrive with only artificial light. Spathiphyllums originated on the ground in dense areas of the rain forest, and prefer low levels of light better than most plants.
- 2). Fill a pitcher full of water. Allow the water to sit out for 24 hours. This allow any chlorine that may be present in the water to evaporate. Once a week, water your peace lily until the soil looks and feels moist, but leave no water sitting on top of the soil. Pour off any excess water. Peace lilies should not be over-watered.
- 3). Fertilize the plant once a month. Dilute a standard household plant fertilizer to one-quarter strength. Apply the fertilizer as recommended by the manufacturer. Fertilizing your plant too often can damage the peace lily. The plant can also be damaged by using a fertilizer that is too strong.
- 4). Inspect your plant occasionally for mealy bugs. A mealy bug infestation will look like small white wax like particles present on the leaves. If you notice any bugs on the leaves, wipe the leaves with rubbing alcohol.