Tutorial for Liar's Dice
- 1). Roll dice to see which player goes first. Each player rolls one die. The player with the highest roll goes first. If more than one person rolls the highest number, they each re-roll until one person has the highest. This person goes first.
- 2). Shake your individual cup containing your dice, covering it with your hand to prevent them from spilling out. Everyone does this, regardless of whose turn it is. Place the cup upside down on the table, still covering the dice and shake it once again.
- 3). Lift the cup slightly, so you can see the dice inside, but nobody else can. Place the cup back over the dice. For this tutorial, assume you have the first turn.
- 4). Call out two numbers; this is your guess of how many of the dice (under all the cups) have a certain number showing. For example, you call out three 4s. You are claiming that among all of the players, there are at least three dice that have turned up on 4. (The first number you call is the number of dice, the second number is the denomination.)
- 5). Continue play around the table, with each player naming a higher number of dice than the previous player. For example, if you called out three 4s, the first number the next player calls out must be higher, such as four 2s. Note that the denomination (second) number can change.
- 6). Continue play around the table. Any player can challenge the claim if she believes it is not true. A player can do this at any time, but typically does so after several players have made claims.
- 7). Turn over the cups to the reveal the dice after a claim is challenged. If the claim is correct, the player who made the claim wins the round. If the claim is a lie, the challenger wins the round. Note that when the dice are turned over, 1s are wild and can be any denomination. So if you have 2 fours and a single one, the 3 fours claim is correct.
- 8). Continue until the designated end is reached. Typically, a game lasts until a player loses two rounds, but the stakes can be anything. It is all dependant on the terms the players set forth before the game.