How to Use a Tow Dolly Rental
If you have ever found a need to tow your car from one place to another you have probably realized that without the right equipment it can be a real chore to get done. A lot of people aren't accustomed to towing their cars and the good news is that it is usually unnecessary. Using a tow dolly rental is a good way to get around the problem of not having the right equipment.
As you may know there are a number of companies that offer tow dolly rentals for use in transporting vehicles either with your own car or by using a rental truck. A tow dolly is just a two wheeled mini-trailer onto which you can drive the front wheels of a car -assuming it's the right size- strap it down and tow it away. Of course it's a little more complicated than that but it isn't too hard.
You'll need to use the loading ramps that you'll find attached to the tow dolly to carefully drive or roll your transportee vehicle onto the the dolly. It will take a little power -or effort if you are pushing- to get the front wheels up over the hump of the ramps but then they will drop into place in the little wheel well space designed for them on the dolly and you'll be able to pull the straps up over the front tires and ratchet them tightly into place.
After you have the car securely on the dolly you may need to attach remote lights or something like that so that other drivers can tell when you are braking or turning. You will pretty much have a trailer by this point and can two your car with relative ease.
A couple problems that can present themselves are the potential for scraping both while loading and when driving when using a dolly with very low cars. If you have aftermarket body parts installed on your car you may want to check that they won't be damaged during the process.
Tow dolly rentals work great for some vehicles but for others you may find that you are better of just renting a full size car carrier that will allow the entire vehicle to be off the ground. A tow dolly rental will work fine for most common cars though so if you have a Honda Civic, Ford Taurus, Toyota Camry or some similar type and size of car don't worry, a dolly rental should work fine for you.
As you may know there are a number of companies that offer tow dolly rentals for use in transporting vehicles either with your own car or by using a rental truck. A tow dolly is just a two wheeled mini-trailer onto which you can drive the front wheels of a car -assuming it's the right size- strap it down and tow it away. Of course it's a little more complicated than that but it isn't too hard.
You'll need to use the loading ramps that you'll find attached to the tow dolly to carefully drive or roll your transportee vehicle onto the the dolly. It will take a little power -or effort if you are pushing- to get the front wheels up over the hump of the ramps but then they will drop into place in the little wheel well space designed for them on the dolly and you'll be able to pull the straps up over the front tires and ratchet them tightly into place.
After you have the car securely on the dolly you may need to attach remote lights or something like that so that other drivers can tell when you are braking or turning. You will pretty much have a trailer by this point and can two your car with relative ease.
A couple problems that can present themselves are the potential for scraping both while loading and when driving when using a dolly with very low cars. If you have aftermarket body parts installed on your car you may want to check that they won't be damaged during the process.
Tow dolly rentals work great for some vehicles but for others you may find that you are better of just renting a full size car carrier that will allow the entire vehicle to be off the ground. A tow dolly rental will work fine for most common cars though so if you have a Honda Civic, Ford Taurus, Toyota Camry or some similar type and size of car don't worry, a dolly rental should work fine for you.